This Textbook provides an introduction to the "big" (catholic) canon of the christian Old Testament. The "Old Testament" is the holy scripture of the Jews and Christians: the Torah/Pentateuch, the books of history, the books of wisdom and the prophets. The origin of each book is embedded into its historical und religious context, so that it proven to be an effect of the Israeli history of belief. The author especially reflects on the dual character of the Old Testament as (unifiing and seperating) Bible of Jews and Christians. Thus the current relevance of the Old Testaments is demonstrated.
For the new, 9th edition all contributions have been brought up to date. Comprehensibility especially for students lay at the centre of the new edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Franz Josef Backhaus,
Gottfried Bitter,
Georg Braulik,
Helmut Engel,
Heinz-Josef Fabry,
Christian Frevel,
Georg Hentschel,
Frank-Lothar Hossfeld,
Hans-Winfried Jüngling,
Hans-Josef Klauck,
Johannes Marböck,
Ivo Meyer,
Herbert Niehr,
Dorothea Sattler,
Silvia Schroer,
Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger,
Georg Steins,
Erich Zenger
> findR *
This Textbook provides an introduction to the "big" (catholic) canon of the christian Old Testament. The "Old Testament" is the holy scripture of the Jews and Christians: the Torah/Pentateuch, the books of history, the books of wisdom and the prophets. The origin of each book is embedded into its historical und religious context, so that it proven to be an effect of the Israeli history of belief. The author especially reflects on the dual character of the Old Testament as (unifiing and seperating) Bible of Jews and Christians. Thus the current relevance of the Old Testaments is demonstrated.
For the new, 9th edition all contributions have been brought up to date. Comprehensibility especially for students lay at the centre of the new edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Franz Josef Backhaus,
Gottfried Bitter,
Georg Braulik,
Helmut Engel,
Heinz-Josef Fabry,
Christian Frevel,
Georg Hentschel,
Frank-Lothar Hossfeld,
Hans-Winfried Jüngling,
Hans-Josef Klauck,
Johannes Marböck,
Ivo Meyer,
Herbert Niehr,
Dorothea Sattler,
Silvia Schroer,
Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger,
Georg Steins,
Erich Zenger
> findR *
This Textbook provides an introduction to the "big" (catholic) canon of the christian Old Testament. The "Old Testament" is the holy scripture of the Jews and Christians: the Torah/Pentateuch, the books of history, the books of wisdom and the prophets. The origin of each book is embedded into its historical und religious context, so that it proven to be an effect of the Israeli history of belief. The author especially reflects on the dual character of the Old Testament as (unifiing and seperating) Bible of Jews and Christians. Thus the current relevance of the Old Testaments is demonstrated.
For the new, 9th edition all contributions have been brought up to date. Comprehensibility especially for students lay at the centre of the new edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Franz Josef Backhaus,
Gottfried Bitter,
Georg Braulik,
Helmut Engel,
Heinz-Josef Fabry,
Christian Frevel,
Georg Hentschel,
Frank-Lothar Hossfeld,
Hans-Winfried Jüngling,
Hans-Josef Klauck,
Johannes Marböck,
Ivo Meyer,
Herbert Niehr,
Dorothea Sattler,
Silvia Schroer,
Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger,
Georg Steins,
Erich Zenger
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2020-08-04
> findR *
Fünf Feste, fünf Texte, fünf Zugänge: Das Buch widmet sich den Textrollen der jüdischen Feste Sukkot, Purim, Pesach, Schawuot und Tischa beAv. Als zentrale Themen werden dabei "entdeckt": die generative Chance einer Übergangsphase, in der sich der Protagonist des Buches Kohelet befindet, der religiöse Aspekt der "göttlichen Leerstelle" der Estererzählung, der dynamische Charakter der inneren und äußeren Schönheit des Menschen nach dem Hohelied, die Nähe und Ferne von Bild und Text im Hinblick auf die Auslegung des Buch Rut und das aktuelle Tauerbewältigungspotenzial, das die Klagelieder bieten. Insgesamt ergibt sich daraus ein Bild des "ganzen Menschen" in biblischer Perspektive.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-02
> findR *
This Textbook provides an introduction to the "big" (catholic) canon of the christian Old Testament. The "Old Testament" is the holy scripture of the Jews and Christians: the Torah/Pentateuch, the books of history, the books of wisdom and the prophets. The origin of each book is embedded into its historical und religious context, so that it proven to be an effect of the Israeli history of belief. The author especially reflects on the dual character of the Old Testament as (unifiing and seperating) Bible of Jews and Christians. Thus the current relevance of the Old Testaments is demonstrated.
For the new, 9th edition all contributions have been brought up to date. Comprehensibility especially for students lay at the centre of the new edition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Franz Josef Backhaus,
Gottfried Bitter,
Georg Braulik,
Helmut Engel,
Heinz-Josef Fabry,
Christian Frevel,
Georg Hentschel,
Frank-Lothar Hossfeld,
Hans-Winfried Jüngling,
Hans-Josef Klauck,
Johannes Marböck,
Ivo Meyer,
Herbert Niehr,
Dorothea Sattler,
Silvia Schroer,
Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger,
Georg Steins,
Erich Zenger
> findR *
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