Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
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Siglenverzeichnis ....................................................................................................................... XIII
Beatrice DASKAS, πτερόν, πτέρυξ, πτερύγιον. A Cultural-Historical Study of a Classical
Greek Architectural Term and Derivatives, and their Post-Classical Meaning ................... 1
Arne EFFENBERGER, Topographica corrigenda. Annakirche am Deuteron – columna virginea
– Nikolaoskloster – Doppelkloster der Theotokos Kecharitomene und des Christos Philanthropos
.................................................................................................................................. 39
Christophe ERISMANN, John the Grammarian and Photius. A Ninth-Century Byzantine
Debate on Depiction, Visual Perception and Verbal Description ........................................ 67
Christian GASTGEBER, Byzanz und das Konzil zu Basel und Ferrara. Neue Dokumente der
Kaiser- sowie Patriarchatskanzlei und der Umgang mit Latein im Kontakt mit dem Westen
.......................................................................................................................................... 89
Filip HORÁČEK, The Astronomical Situation and a Hitherto Unregistered Comet in Synesius’
Calvitii encomium 10, 5 / 209, 8–14 ..................................................................................... 197
Nikoletta KANAVOU, Reflections on the Relationship between the Life and Passion of Saints
Galaktion and Episteme and the Ancient Greek Novel ........................................................ 209
Katharina KASKA, Zur hochmittelalterlichen Überlieferung von Maximus Confessor, Capita
de caritate in der Übersetzung des Cerbanus ....................................................................... 221
Ewald KISLINGER, Drei lateinische Lesefrüchte zu res byzantinae ........................................... 249
Dirk KRAUSMÜLLER, Assertive Bishops and a Wily Emperor. Nicholas Mouzalon on the
Election of Patriarch Nicholas III Grammatikos (1084) ...................................................... 261
Lev LUKHOVITSKIY – Varvara ZHARKAYA, The Age of Πειθανάγκη. A Note on Remembrance
and Reinvention of Ancient Words under the Komnenoi ......................................... 271
Caroline MACÉ – Patrick ANDRIST, Understanding the Genesis of a Multi-Layered Byzantine
Manuscript. The Illuminated Copy of Elias of Crete’s Commentary on Gregory Nazianzen
(Basel, UB, AN I 8) .............................................................................................................. 289
Filip VAN TRICHT, Who murdered Archbishop William of Rouen (†1217)? The Valley of
Philippi under Latin Rule (1204–circa 1224/25) .................................................................. 305
Nicole KRÖLL, Introduction ....................................................................................................... 335
Alice COSME, “Ποίαν γλώττης οὐκ ἐκίνησεν λύραν;” Poetic Style and Diction in the Bellum
Avaricum of George of Pisidia ............................................................................................. 343
Anna Maria TARAGNA, Leo Choirosphaktes, Reader of George of Pisidia. Notes on the
Language and Style of the So-Called Thousand-Line Theology .......................................... 357
Nadine VIERMANN, Merging Supreme Commander and Holy Man. George of Pisidia’s Poetic
Response to Heraclius’ Military Campaigns ........................................................................ 379
Mary WHITBY, The Patriarch Sergius and the Theotokos ......................................................... 403
XII Inhaltsverzeichnis
Christophe ERISMANN, Introduction .......................................................................................... 427
Benedetta CONTIN, Intertwining Aristotelian Ontology and Logic with Theology. The Early
Armenian Non-Chalcedonian Perspective. The Book of Beings and the Questions
Addressed to the Heretical Diophysites ............................................................................... 429
Peter COWE, The Inception of Armenian Grammatical Thought out of the Matrix of Hellenic
Paideia .................................................................................................................................. 465
Vessela VALIAVITCHARSKA, Rhetorical Education Between the Seventh and the Ninth Century
.................................................................................................................................. 487
Dimitris K. AGORITSAS, Βίος καὶ πολιτεία τῶν ὁσίων Νεκταρίου καὶ Θεοφάνους τῶν Ἀψαράδων κτιτόρων τῆς Ἱερᾶς
Μονῆς Βαρλαάμ. Βίος – διαθηκῷον γράμμα – ἐγκωμιαστικὰ κείμενα (Eirini Afentoulidou-Leitgeb) ........................ 509
Coptica Palatina, Koptische Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung (P.Heid.Kopt.), ed. A. BOUD’HORS –
A. DELATTRE – G. SCHENKE – T. S. RICHTER – G. SCHMELZ (Stefan Bojowald) ........................................................... 509
Jean-Claude CHEYNET, Les sceaux byzantins de la collection Yavuz Tatış (Werner Seibt) .............................................. 512
Leah DI SEGNI – Yoram TSAFRIR – Judith GREEN, The Onomasticon of Iudaea-Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek and
Latin Sources, Vol. II, Part I and II (Basema Harmarneh) .......................................................................................... 513
Andrei GANDILA, Cultural Encounters on Byzantium’s Northern Frontier, c. AD 500–700: Coins, Artifacts and History
(Johannes Preiser-Kapeller) ....................................................................................................................................... 514
Andreas E. GKOUTZIOUKOSTAS, Θεσσαλονίκεια επιγραφικά μελετήματα. Χρονολογικές και ερμηνευτικές προσεγγίσεις
βυζαντινών κτητορικών επιγραφών από τα τείχη της πόλης και τη βασιλική του Αγίου Δημητρίου (Andreas Rhoby) 516
Martin HURBANIČ, The Avar Siege of Constantinople in 626. History and Legend (Nikolas Hächler) ............................. 518
Andrija JAKOVLJEVIĆ, Κατάλογος Χειρόγραφων Κωδίκων Βυζαντινής Μουσικής Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Κύπρου
(Gerda Wolfram) ......................................................................................................................................................... 521
Emma LOOSLEY LEEMING, Architecture and Asceticism: Cultural Interaction between Syria and Georgia in Late
Antiquity (Annegret Plontke-Lüning) .......................................................................................................................... 521
Robert G. OUSTERHOUT, Visualizing Community. Art, Material Culture and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia
(Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger) .................................................................................................................................... 529
Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae ....................................................................................... 535__
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-12
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Siglenverzeichnis ....................................................................................................................... XIII
Beatrice DASKAS, πτερόν, πτέρυξ, πτερύγιον. A Cultural-Historical Study of a Classical
Greek Architectural Term and Derivatives, and their Post-Classical Meaning ................... 1
Arne EFFENBERGER, Topographica corrigenda. Annakirche am Deuteron – columna virginea
– Nikolaoskloster – Doppelkloster der Theotokos Kecharitomene und des Christos Philanthropos
.................................................................................................................................. 39
Christophe ERISMANN, John the Grammarian and Photius. A Ninth-Century Byzantine
Debate on Depiction, Visual Perception and Verbal Description ........................................ 67
Christian GASTGEBER, Byzanz und das Konzil zu Basel und Ferrara. Neue Dokumente der
Kaiser- sowie Patriarchatskanzlei und der Umgang mit Latein im Kontakt mit dem Westen
.......................................................................................................................................... 89
Filip HORÁČEK, The Astronomical Situation and a Hitherto Unregistered Comet in Synesius’
Calvitii encomium 10, 5 / 209, 8–14 ..................................................................................... 197
Nikoletta KANAVOU, Reflections on the Relationship between the Life and Passion of Saints
Galaktion and Episteme and the Ancient Greek Novel ........................................................ 209
Katharina KASKA, Zur hochmittelalterlichen Überlieferung von Maximus Confessor, Capita
de caritate in der Übersetzung des Cerbanus ....................................................................... 221
Ewald KISLINGER, Drei lateinische Lesefrüchte zu res byzantinae ........................................... 249
Dirk KRAUSMÜLLER, Assertive Bishops and a Wily Emperor. Nicholas Mouzalon on the
Election of Patriarch Nicholas III Grammatikos (1084) ...................................................... 261
Lev LUKHOVITSKIY – Varvara ZHARKAYA, The Age of Πειθανάγκη. A Note on Remembrance
and Reinvention of Ancient Words under the Komnenoi ......................................... 271
Caroline MACÉ – Patrick ANDRIST, Understanding the Genesis of a Multi-Layered Byzantine
Manuscript. The Illuminated Copy of Elias of Crete’s Commentary on Gregory Nazianzen
(Basel, UB, AN I 8) .............................................................................................................. 289
Filip VAN TRICHT, Who murdered Archbishop William of Rouen (†1217)? The Valley of
Philippi under Latin Rule (1204–circa 1224/25) .................................................................. 305
Nicole KRÖLL, Introduction ....................................................................................................... 335
Alice COSME, “Ποίαν γλώττης οὐκ ἐκίνησεν λύραν;” Poetic Style and Diction in the Bellum
Avaricum of George of Pisidia ............................................................................................. 343
Anna Maria TARAGNA, Leo Choirosphaktes, Reader of George of Pisidia. Notes on the
Language and Style of the So-Called Thousand-Line Theology .......................................... 357
Nadine VIERMANN, Merging Supreme Commander and Holy Man. George of Pisidia’s Poetic
Response to Heraclius’ Military Campaigns ........................................................................ 379
Mary WHITBY, The Patriarch Sergius and the Theotokos ......................................................... 403
XII Inhaltsverzeichnis
Christophe ERISMANN, Introduction .......................................................................................... 427
Benedetta CONTIN, Intertwining Aristotelian Ontology and Logic with Theology. The Early
Armenian Non-Chalcedonian Perspective. The Book of Beings and the Questions
Addressed to the Heretical Diophysites ............................................................................... 429
Peter COWE, The Inception of Armenian Grammatical Thought out of the Matrix of Hellenic
Paideia .................................................................................................................................. 465
Vessela VALIAVITCHARSKA, Rhetorical Education Between the Seventh and the Ninth Century
.................................................................................................................................. 487
Dimitris K. AGORITSAS, Βίος καὶ πολιτεία τῶν ὁσίων Νεκταρίου καὶ Θεοφάνους τῶν Ἀψαράδων κτιτόρων τῆς Ἱερᾶς
Μονῆς Βαρλαάμ. Βίος – διαθηκῷον γράμμα – ἐγκωμιαστικὰ κείμενα (Eirini Afentoulidou-Leitgeb) ........................ 509
Coptica Palatina, Koptische Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung (P.Heid.Kopt.), ed. A. BOUD’HORS –
A. DELATTRE – G. SCHENKE – T. S. RICHTER – G. SCHMELZ (Stefan Bojowald) ........................................................... 509
Jean-Claude CHEYNET, Les sceaux byzantins de la collection Yavuz Tatış (Werner Seibt) .............................................. 512
Leah DI SEGNI – Yoram TSAFRIR – Judith GREEN, The Onomasticon of Iudaea-Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek and
Latin Sources, Vol. II, Part I and II (Basema Harmarneh) .......................................................................................... 513
Andrei GANDILA, Cultural Encounters on Byzantium’s Northern Frontier, c. AD 500–700: Coins, Artifacts and History
(Johannes Preiser-Kapeller) ....................................................................................................................................... 514
Andreas E. GKOUTZIOUKOSTAS, Θεσσαλονίκεια επιγραφικά μελετήματα. Χρονολογικές και ερμηνευτικές προσεγγίσεις
βυζαντινών κτητορικών επιγραφών από τα τείχη της πόλης και τη βασιλική του Αγίου Δημητρίου (Andreas Rhoby) 516
Martin HURBANIČ, The Avar Siege of Constantinople in 626. History and Legend (Nikolas Hächler) ............................. 518
Andrija JAKOVLJEVIĆ, Κατάλογος Χειρόγραφων Κωδίκων Βυζαντινής Μουσικής Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Κύπρου
(Gerda Wolfram) ......................................................................................................................................................... 521
Emma LOOSLEY LEEMING, Architecture and Asceticism: Cultural Interaction between Syria and Georgia in Late
Antiquity (Annegret Plontke-Lüning) .......................................................................................................................... 521
Robert G. OUSTERHOUT, Visualizing Community. Art, Material Culture and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia
(Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger) .................................................................................................................................... 529
Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae ....................................................................................... 535__
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-23
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Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
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