Der Band gibt einen Überblick über suchtpräventive und drogenpolitische Maßnahmen. Präventionspolitische Strategien werden beschrieben und u.a. hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit, Durchsetzbarkeit und Kosten erörtert. Der Band leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Neuorientierung in der nationalen und internationalen Drogenpolitik.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Der Band gibt einen Überblick über suchtpräventive und drogenpolitische Maßnahmen. Präventionspolitische Strategien werden beschrieben und u.a. hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit, Durchsetzbarkeit und Kosten erörtert. Der Band leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Neuorientierung in der nationalen und internationalen Drogenpolitik.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Der Band gibt einen Überblick über suchtpräventive und drogenpolitische Maßnahmen. Präventionspolitische Strategien werden beschrieben und u.a. hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit, Durchsetzbarkeit und Kosten erörtert. Der Band leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Neuorientierung in der nationalen und internationalen Drogenpolitik.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Während es in anderen Fächern ausreicht, eine Disziplin zu durchdringen, müssen sich Studierende der Sozialarbeits- und Gesundheitswissenschaften in vielen Disziplinen zurechtfinden und zu einer multidisziplinären Gesamtperspektive gelangen. Petra Kolip und Bettina Schmidt erklären u.a. mithilfe solider Zeitmanagement-Tipps und Checklisten, wie dies schon ab der Themenfindung gelingt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1,8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige, schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der erste Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe "Die Religionen der Menschheit" beschreibt die Entstehung des Islam, die Wirkung des Propheten Muhammad, den Koran sowie seine komplexe Verflechtung mit der Bibel und die Ausdehnung des Islam zu einer weltweit verbreiteten Religion. In weiteren Kapiteln werden die Herausbildung und Eigenheiten verschiedener Konfessionen kenntnisreich und verständlich dargestellt. Abschließend werden die wichtigsten islamischen Dynastien vorgestellt und ihre Bedeutung für den Islam ebenso wie für ihre nicht-muslimische Umgebung erklärt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anna Akasoy,
Peter Antes,
Lutz Berger,
Stephan Conermann,
Patrick Franke,
Andreas Görke,
Heinz Halm,
Gerald Hawting,
Christoph Herzog,
Manfred Hutter,
Verena Klemm,
Robert Langer,
Colin Mitchell,
Abdel-Hakim Ourghi,
Daniel Potthast,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Georges Tamer
> findR *
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1,8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige, schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der erste Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe "Die Religionen der Menschheit" beschreibt die Entstehung des Islam, die Wirkung des Propheten Muhammad, den Koran sowie seine komplexe Verflechtung mit der Bibel und die Ausdehnung des Islam zu einer weltweit verbreiteten Religion. In weiteren Kapiteln werden die Herausbildung und Eigenheiten verschiedener Konfessionen kenntnisreich und verständlich dargestellt. Abschließend werden die wichtigsten islamischen Dynastien vorgestellt und ihre Bedeutung für den Islam ebenso wie für ihre nicht-muslimische Umgebung erklärt.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Anna Akasoy,
Peter Antes,
Lutz Berger,
Stephan Conermann,
Patrick Franke,
Andreas Görke,
Heinz Halm,
Gerald Hawting,
Christoph Herzog,
Manfred Hutter,
Verena Klemm,
Robert Langer,
Colin Mitchell,
Abdel-Hakim Ourghi,
Daniel Potthast,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Georges Tamer
> findR *
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Hakki Arslan,
Lutz Berger,
Albrecht Fuess,
Peter Heine,
Manfred Hutter,
Ilhan Ilkiliç,
Robert Langer,
Rüdiger Lohlker,
Roman Loimeier,
Jamal Malik,
Ömer Özsoy,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Irene Schneider,
Fritz Schulze,
Reinhard Schulze,
Erdal Toprakyaran,
Anke von Kügelgen,
Cüneyd Yildirim
> findR *
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Hakki Arslan,
Lutz Berger,
Albrecht Fuess,
Peter Heine,
Manfred Hutter,
Ilhan Ilkiliç,
Robert Langer,
Rüdiger Lohlker,
Roman Loimeier,
Jamal Malik,
Ömer Özsoy,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Irene Schneider,
Fritz Schulze,
Reinhard Schulze,
Erdal Toprakyaran,
Anke von Kügelgen,
Cüneyd Yildirim
> findR *
Islam today, with approximately 1.8 billion adherents, is a lively and fast-growing worldwide religious community. This third volume of the three-part presentation of Islam in the series ?Religions of the World= traces the religion=s historical development during the last 200 years and examines the issues of ?Islam and Modernity= and ?Islam in the Postcolonial Age=. These questions are linked to the current situation in Islamic regions and the Muslim diaspora, exploring the way in which Islam deals with the challenges of modernity; the search for the ?right path= (halal/haram); intercultural influences; the situation of non-Islamic minorities in the world of Islam; jihad, terror and martyrdom; and much more. An overview of topics in modern Islamic theology and philosophy, as well as interfaith dialogue, rounds off this lively account of the youngest of the world=s three monotheistic religions.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Hakki Arslan,
Lutz Berger,
Albrecht Fuess,
Peter Heine,
Manfred Hutter,
Ilhan Ilkiliç,
Robert Langer,
Rüdiger Lohlker,
Roman Loimeier,
Jamal Malik,
Ömer Özsoy,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Irene Schneider,
Fritz Schulze,
Reinhard Schulze,
Erdal Toprakyaran,
Anke von Kügelgen,
Cüneyd Yildirim
> findR *
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1,8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der zweite Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe "Die Religionen der Menschheit" widmet sich der islamischen Geistesgeschichte: Neben den islamischen Wissenschaftstraditionen, dialektischer Theologie, Recht und Philosophie werden mystische Strömungen, Kunst, Literatur und Musik vorgestellt. Daneben werden verschiedene Aspekte muslimischen Lebens beleuchtet - Riten und Bräuche, Frömmigkeit, Reformbewegungen und die Frage nach dem Neben- und Miteinander von Muslimen und Nicht-Muslimen.
Den Band komplettieren Darstellungen des Islam in seinen regionalen Ausprägungen in Nord- und Schwarzafrika und Süd-, Südost- und Zentralasien.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Cleophea Ferrari,
Patrick Franke,
Mohammad Gharaibeh,
Sebastian Günther,
Claus-Peter Haase,
Manfred Hutter,
Stephan Kokew,
Jamal Malik,
Jürgen Paul,
Ulrich Rebstock,
Stefan Reichmuth,
Ulrich Rudolph,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Irene Schneider,
Paula Schrode,
Fritz Schulze,
Georges Tamer,
Renate Würsch
> findR *
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1,8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der zweite Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe "Die Religionen der Menschheit" widmet sich der islamischen Geistesgeschichte: Neben den islamischen Wissenschaftstraditionen, dialektischer Theologie, Recht und Philosophie werden mystische Strömungen, Kunst, Literatur und Musik vorgestellt. Daneben werden verschiedene Aspekte muslimischen Lebens beleuchtet - Riten und Bräuche, Frömmigkeit, Reformbewegungen und die Frage nach dem Neben- und Miteinander von Muslimen und Nicht-Muslimen.
Den Band komplettieren Darstellungen des Islam in seinen regionalen Ausprägungen in Nord- und Schwarzafrika und Süd-, Südost- und Zentralasien.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Cleophea Ferrari,
Patrick Franke,
Mohammad Gharaibeh,
Sebastian Günther,
Claus-Peter Haase,
Manfred Hutter,
Stephan Kokew,
Jamal Malik,
Jürgen Paul,
Ulrich Rebstock,
Stefan Reichmuth,
Ulrich Rudolph,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Irene Schneider,
Paula Schrode,
Fritz Schulze,
Georges Tamer,
Renate Würsch
> findR *
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1,8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der zweite Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe "Die Religionen der Menschheit" widmet sich der islamischen Geistesgeschichte: Neben den islamischen Wissenschaftstraditionen, dialektischer Theologie, Recht und Philosophie werden mystische Strömungen, Kunst, Literatur und Musik vorgestellt. Daneben werden verschiedene Aspekte muslimischen Lebens beleuchtet - Riten und Bräuche, Frömmigkeit, Reformbewegungen und die Frage nach dem Neben- und Miteinander von Muslimen und Nicht-Muslimen.
Den Band komplettieren Darstellungen des Islam in seinen regionalen Ausprägungen in Nord- und Schwarzafrika und Süd-, Südost- und Zentralasien.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Cleophea Ferrari,
Patrick Franke,
Mohammad Gharaibeh,
Sebastian Günther,
Claus-Peter Haase,
Manfred Hutter,
Stephan Kokew,
Jamal Malik,
Jürgen Paul,
Ulrich Rebstock,
Stefan Reichmuth,
Ulrich Rudolph,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
Irene Schneider,
Paula Schrode,
Fritz Schulze,
Georges Tamer,
Renate Würsch
> findR *
This volume describes the interactions between religions and political and social institutions in Anatolia on the basis of religious ideas and practices, starting with archaeological evidence from the end of the third millennium BCE. The first written information about religious matters appears in ancient Assyrian letters, before a rich written tradition started with the emergence of the ancient Hittite Empire in the 17th century BCE. Following the downfall of the Hittite Empire at the beginning of the 12th century, a few neo-Hittite states used the older religious traditions to support their claim to legitimacy, but combined them with innovations, which are presented in conclusion in the book=s final chapter.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This volume describes the interactions between religions and political and social institutions in Anatolia on the basis of religious ideas and practices, starting with archaeological evidence from the end of the third millennium BCE. The first written information about religious matters appears in ancient Assyrian letters, before a rich written tradition started with the emergence of the ancient Hittite Empire in the 17th century BCE. Following the downfall of the Hittite Empire at the beginning of the 12th century, a few neo-Hittite states used the older religious traditions to support their claim to legitimacy, but combined them with innovations, which are presented in conclusion in the book=s final chapter.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This volume describes the interactions between religions and political and social institutions in Anatolia on the basis of religious ideas and practices, starting with archaeological evidence from the end of the third millennium BCE. The first written information about religious matters appears in ancient Assyrian letters, before a rich written tradition started with the emergence of the ancient Hittite Empire in the 17th century BCE. Following the downfall of the Hittite Empire at the beginning of the 12th century, a few neo-Hittite states used the older religious traditions to support their claim to legitimacy, but combined them with innovations, which are presented in conclusion in the book=s final chapter.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This volume describes the interactions between religions and political and social institutions in Anatolia on the basis of religious ideas and practices, starting with archaeological evidence from the end of the third millennium BCE. The first written information about religious matters appears in ancient Assyrian letters, before a rich written tradition started with the emergence of the ancient Hittite Empire in the 17th century BCE. Following the downfall of the Hittite Empire at the beginning of the 12th century, a few neo-Hittite states used the older religious traditions to support their claim to legitimacy, but combined them with innovations, which are presented in conclusion in the book=s final chapter.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
There are three apparently contradictory aspects that define the religious features of South America: traditionally strong Catholicism, Protestant and Pentecostal denominations that have gained strength since the 19th century, and religions of pre-Columbian origin that have survived and developed further. This volume offers a descriptive account of these strands as the living religions of people today, which can be inquired into by ethnologists and religious scholars. In the process, the book divides South America into two religious areas: the Central Andes region, where pre-European traditions were already incorporated into local Christianity in many places during the colonial period, and the area east of the Andes (and to a lesser extent the northern and southern Andes), where separate religions survived more autonomously, but lost a large number of their adherents in the 20th century due to new, intensive Christian missionary work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Ulrike Bieker,
José Braunstein,
Candida Graciela Chamorro Arguello,
Isabelle Combès,
Francisco M. Gil Garcia,
Manfred Hutter,
Mark Münzel,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
María Vutova
> findR *
There are three apparently contradictory aspects that define the religious features of South America: traditionally strong Catholicism, Protestant and Pentecostal denominations that have gained strength since the 19th century, and religions of pre-Columbian origin that have survived and developed further. This volume offers a descriptive account of these strands as the living religions of people today, which can be inquired into by ethnologists and religious scholars. In the process, the book divides South America into two religious areas: the Central Andes region, where pre-European traditions were already incorporated into local Christianity in many places during the colonial period, and the area east of the Andes (and to a lesser extent the northern and southern Andes), where separate religions survived more autonomously, but lost a large number of their adherents in the 20th century due to new, intensive Christian missionary work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Ulrike Bieker,
José Braunstein,
Candida Graciela Chamorro Arguello,
Isabelle Combès,
Francisco M. Gil Garcia,
Manfred Hutter,
Mark Münzel,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
María Vutova
> findR *
There are three apparently contradictory aspects that define the religious features of South America: traditionally strong Catholicism, Protestant and Pentecostal denominations that have gained strength since the 19th century, and religions of pre-Columbian origin that have survived and developed further. This volume offers a descriptive account of these strands as the living religions of people today, which can be inquired into by ethnologists and religious scholars. In the process, the book divides South America into two religious areas: the Central Andes region, where pre-European traditions were already incorporated into local Christianity in many places during the colonial period, and the area east of the Andes (and to a lesser extent the northern and southern Andes), where separate religions survived more autonomously, but lost a large number of their adherents in the 20th century due to new, intensive Christian missionary work.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Peter Antes,
Ulrike Bieker,
José Braunstein,
Candida Graciela Chamorro Arguello,
Isabelle Combès,
Francisco M. Gil Garcia,
Manfred Hutter,
Mark Münzel,
Jörg Rüpke,
Bettina Schmidt,
María Vutova
> findR *
The final volume of this three-part work on Buddhism discusses the various schools of Mahayana in East Asia. The presentation of Buddhism in China and Japan naturally plays a major role here. A special aspect worth emphasizing is that the forms of Buddhism that developed in Vietnam and Korea are given independent chapters and are not treated merely as a marginal appendix to the influence of Chinese Buddhism on Vietnam, or with a reduction of Korea to being a mere conduit and mediator of Chinese Buddhism to Japan. Since various forms of Buddhism have also come to the West since the nineteenth century, an extensive chapter on Western Buddhism closes this multivolume religious history of Buddhism.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
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