Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe / Reihe I: Werke. Band 18: Niethammer-Rezensionen (1808/09), Denkmal der Schrift von den göttlichen Dingen (1812)
Christopher Arnold, Christian Danz, Michael Hackl, Jörg Jantzen und Siegbert Peetz. Wilhelm G. Jacobs Jochem Hennigfeld Im Auftrag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Schelling – Edition und Archiv) herausgegeben von Thomas Buchheim, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
In 1808, Schelling wrote two reviews of Niethammer’s treatise on ›Der Streit des Philanthropinismus und Humanismus in der Theorie des Erziehungs-Unterrichts unsrer Zeit‹ (The Dispute between Philanthropinism and Humanism in the Educational Theory of our Time) within four months. Both reviews document Schelling’s keen interest in the complex debate on the fundamental principles of education. The other work in this volume, the ›Denkmal von den göttlichen Dingen‹ (Memorial to Writing on the Divine Things), was published in 1812 as an explicit polemic pamphlet against Jacobi, and it is Schelling’s pivotal contribution to the so-called »theism debate«. This significant philosophical-theological dispute was preceded by a long history of disagreements; fundamental differences in the thinking of the two adversaries had already been documented from Schelling’s Jena period.