Handbuch Forschung für Systemiker
Corina Aguilar-Raab, Rolf Arnold, Dirk Baecker, Michael B. Buchholz, Charlotte Burck, Ulrike Froschauer, Bruno Hildenbrand, Heino Hollstein-Brinkmann, Jürgen Kriz, Manfred Lueger, Audris Alexander Muraitis, Matthias Ochs, Günter Reich, Günter Schiepek, Jochen Schweitzer, Fritz B. Simon, Michael Stasch, Peter Stratton, Wolfgang Tschacher, Martin Vogel, Arist von Schlippe, Kirsten von Sydow
How to combine empirical evidence and systemic theory? What does systemic research have to show for its efforts? Renowned systemic proponents present in this volume the state of the art.Systemic approaches are well known from the fields of social work, psychotherapy, organizational development, coaching and supervision. Nevertheless, the time has come to lay the cornerstone for its own research paradigm. This handbook is the answer to that quest: Renowned systemic researchers present for the first time in German the theoretical basics as well as overviews of the research fields, methods and approaches presently in use.