Hannah Arendt von Baratella,  Nils, Corleis,  Carl, Döring,  Annne, Hecker,  Héla, Klawitter,  Arne, Köchy,  Kristian, Köhne,  Ralf, Konersmann,  Ralf, Recki,  Birgit, Reichert,  Melanie, Schweppenhäuser,  Gerhard, Seitz,  Philipp, Steinbach,  Tim-Florian, Torkler,  René, Unzer,  Ludwig August, Westerkamp,  Dirk

Hannah Arendt

Héla Hecker: »Emotional and Affective Phenomena in the Works of Hannah Arendt and Their Political Relevance«

The Political in Hannah Arendt’s view is a realm of relationships, a certain connection between people and the world, as well as between individuals and their peers. In my paper, I explore how emotional phenomena can be meaningfully inserted into the political space: How do affects shape this specific web of human relation- ships? When do they become destructive? How can they provide worldly inspiration for the establishment of a political value system? By analyzing Hannah Arendt’s implicit affect theory, I argue that human affectability has a prominent role in her thinking. To illuminate linkages between affects and the Political, I high- light six main characteristics inherent to the latter. I further demonstrate how we can integrate emotional phenomena into the Political in the Arendtian sense by protecting both human affectability and the political realm itself.
Birgit Recki: »The Problem of Actions. Hannah Arendt on Evil and Goodness«

The essay focuses on a point in Hannah Arendt’s work which – though of great importance whenever the systematic outlines of her thinking should be taken into regard – has not yet attracted much attention: After having faced the challenge of evil (Eichmann in Jerusalem. A report on the banality of evil, 1963), in her New York Lectures on Some Questions of Moral Philosophy (ed. by Jerome Kohn in 2003) in 1965 Arendt turned with equal energy towards the notion of moral goodness. Starting from the astonishing example of those very few men and women who refused to surrender to the spirit of public crime in Nazi Germany, she rediscovers the features of a moral self-understanding with constant reference to Plato’s Socrates. In this essay, Arendt’s reflections are taken in earnest as genuine elements of a moral groundwork.
René Torkler: »Hannah Arendt and the Culture of the Public«

The paper claims that Arendt’s conception of the public implies an understanding of the cultural that she herself has never really made explicit and which is far more complex than the dominant opposition of poetic and practical activities, that characterizes her work in general. On the one hand, Arendt’s understanding of the public is connected to different modes of political interaction in the public sphere that are also of decisive importance for all cultural life. On the other hand, the hermeneutical methodology, which is characteristic of both her work and her concept of judging, is intertwined with her understanding of the public realm and thus also of some importance from a cultural-theoretical perspective. The article elaborates on the connections between these aspects of Arendt’s work.
Nils Baratella: »Achieving Distance. Hannah Arendt, Helmuth Plessner and the Right to Distance«

For Hannah Arendt, the public is the realm where individuals show themselves to their fellow human beings. They do this by relating to each other through speaking and acting together. Both speaking and acting are only possible if men acknowledge each other as independent, autonomous individuals but at the same time keep a common interest, a reference point for their speaking and acting together. In or- der to recognize each other as equal yet unique, individuals must gain distance – to themselves, to others and to the objects they speak of. They are only able to do this in public. Helmuth Plessner has developed a concept of publicity which ensures the individual’s »right to distance«. This »right to distance« can contribute to a better understanding of Hannah Arendt’s often misinterpreted separation of the private from the public realm and furthermore allows a better understanding of how Arendt envisioned a culture within which the political can be established.

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Die Publikation Hannah Arendt von , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ist bei Meiner, F erschienen. Die Publikation ist mit folgenden Schlagwörtern verschlagwortet: Aesthetik, Anthropologie, Antike Philosophie, Kulturphilosophie. Weitere Bücher, Themenseiten, Autoren und Verlage finden Sie hier: https://buch-findr.de/sitemap_index.xml . Auf Buch FindR finden Sie eine umfassendsten Bücher und Publikationlisten im Internet. Sie können die Bücher und Publikationen direkt bestellen. Ferner bieten wir ein umfassendes Verzeichnis aller Verlagsanschriften inkl. Email und Telefonnummer und Adressen. Die Publikation kostet in Deutschland 56 EUR und in Österreich 57.6 EUR Für Informationen zum Angebot von Buch FindR nehmen Sie gerne mit uns Kontakt auf!