Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook XIII/2014
Glenda Abramson, Lisa Marie Anderson, Maya Barzilai, Eglė Bendikaitė, Dan Diner, Natasha Gordinsky, Judith Große, Grit Jilek, Elena Keidosiutė, Magnus Klaue, Sabine Koller, Carolin Kosuch, Elke-Vera Kotowski, David Kowalski, Ilse Josepha Lazaroms, Daniel Münzner, Felix Pankonin, Eugenia Prokop-Janiec, Sigurd Paul Scheichl, Christoph Schmidt, Andreas Stuhlmann, Peter Tietze, Ruth von Bernuth, Jay Winter
The newest volume of the Simon Dubnow Yearbook has one major theme: It looks at the 100th anniversary of the beginning of what came to be called the “Great Seminal Catastrophe” – World War I. The discussion is centered around the multifaceted literary processing of war and war experiences. In the General Section and in the other sections of this Yearbook there are contributions on historical semantics and conversion history as well as on Richard Koebner, Max Horkheimer and Ruth Fischer.