Nachdenkliche Seelsorge – seelsorgliches Nachdenken
Festschrift für Christoph Morgenthaler zum 65. Geburtstag
Tobias Brandner, Katja Dubiski, Larry Kent Graham, Kathleen J. Greider, Albrecht Grözinger, Elisabeth Grözinger, Michael Klessmann, Claudia Kohli Reichenbach, Ralph Kunz, Joretta Marshall, Christoph Morgenthaler, Willi Nafzger, Isabelle Noth, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, David Plüss, Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, Gina Schibler, Thomas Schlag, Friedrich Schweitzer, Anne M. Steinmeier, Ulrike Wagner-Rau, Helmut Weiß, Jürgen Ziemer
This festschrift deals with a number of themes: dreams, systemic or specialised pastoral care, the psychology of religion and counseling. It picks up on the publications of Christoph Morgenthaler, one of the most important scholars in the field during his 25-year career.The various disciplines of theology are shaped by the ideas that dominate the respective era as well as by the personalities who propagate them. This festschrift is dedicated to the Swiss theologian and psychologist Christoph Morgenthaler and his achievements. Characteristic and typical for his works are the themes of dreams, systemic pastoral care, specialised pastoral care, the psychology of religion and counseling. The contributions are connected in one way or the other to the publications of Christoph Morgenthaler. They deal directly with his thoughts and use them as impulses for their own considerations.