Pädagogik und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Pandemie
Analyse und Kritik fragwürdiger Normalitäten
Robert Baar, Denise Bergold-Caldwell , Mai-Anh Boger, Margrit Brückner, Annegret Gaßmann, Sandra Glammeier, Frauke Grenz, Thomas Grunau, Anne Günster, Anna Hartmann, Marita Kampshoff, Elke Kleinau, Veronika Kourabas, Antje Langer, Claudia Mahs, Ina Schubert, Christine Thon, Jeannette Windheuser
During the Corona pandemic, many topics became the subject of public debates that have long preoccupied educational science in general and women’s and gender studies in particular: Reproduction of social inequality in educational contexts, unequal distribution of care work, marginalization of non-heteronormative lifestyles, and many more. In the pandemic, the struggle for a return to „normality“ is omnipresent. The contributions to this volume show, from the perspectives of gender theory and educational science, that this normality is part of the conditions of the crisis itself and that a return to such normality would perpetuate existing relations of power.