The Newest Principles of Animalism von Edeko,  Oni

The Newest Principles of Animalism

In an animal kingdom called Reguyo, there lived a king whose name was Regulo. He was respected by all the animals in his kingdom. There, all the animals lived happily in Peace and harmony with one another because the king enacted a special law that all the animals were equally, and that some were not more equal than the others, no matter the breeds and race from which they originated.

The king`s wives were pregnant at the same time. But only one of them gave birth to a male baby. The wives who gave birth to female babies of all kinds began to argue over the male baby, each claiming to be his mother.

Since animal babies were always able to recognize their mother after some given time after their birth, the king and all the animals in Reguyo waited for that great day when the child will point out his mother from the seven wives of the king. The day came slowly. The stage was set. Great Orators and ovations flourished.

This short story is a satire about tribalism, racism, social seggregation, affluence versus poverty, lies versus truth, tolerance versus intolerance and so on and so forth. It is also about the theory that good people and bad people abide everywhere in the world.

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