Das Videodrama

Das Videodrama von Sengelmann,  Julian
Das religionspädagogische und praktisch-theologische Projekt VIDEODRAMA ist ein hybrider, interdisziplinärer Ansatz, bei dem mit einer Gruppe in einem kreativen Prozess ein Film produziert wird, der im „Raum eines biblischen Textes“ entsteht. Die Teilnehmenden entwickeln diese Filmerzählung in allen Facetten einer klassischen Filmproduktion bis hin zur Premiere in einem Kino. Das VIDEODRAMA ist ein interdisziplinäres Projekt, das sich dezidiert von wissenschaftlichen Konkurrenzen und Konzeptionen loslöst. Dieses Buch begleitet exemplarisch einen solchen Prozess, entwickelt eine Theorie des VIDEODRAMAS und bringt diese mit ausgewählten aktuellen religionspädagogischen Diskussionen ins Gespräch.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *

Gemeinsam Gott begegnen

Gemeinsam Gott begegnen von Maschwitz,  Rüdiger
Kinder wollen glauben – nicht nur über Gott reden. Doch wer kann sie kompetent begleiten, ist überzeugendes Vorbild, hat Antworten auf ihre Fragen? Allen, die Kindern einen freien christlichen Glauben ermöglichen wollen, ist dieses Praxisbuch verlässliche Hilfe. Zahlreiche Methoden zeigen Wege in die Stille, zu Natur- und Gottesbegegnung, zu Erfahrungen von Liebe, Vertrauen und Eigenverantwortung.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Sehnsucht leben

Sehnsucht leben von Martin,  Gerhard Marcel
Yearning is an elementary part of existence, a desire for things that are constantly becoming unattainable. As long as human beings have lives that are finite and bound by space and time, there will always be an insatiable yearning for more, and for things that are completely different. The topic of yearning is an interreligious and cross-cultural phenomenon, although it is experienced, intellectually grasped, suffered and shaped in different ways in different cultures. Philosophers and theologians such as Emmanuel Lévinas and Nicholas of Cusa, and mystics such as Mechthild of Magdeburg and Meister Eckhart, explored paths of thought and experience in connection with yearning and encountered it in the midst of life. Poets such as Gottfried Benn and Hilde Domin, and songwriters such as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, have also addressed the topic of yearning, often in connection with expectations and disappointments in love. Gerhard Marcel Martin is concerned with achieving a precise explanation of the concepts and phenomena involved, one that also involves (depth) psychology. ?Yearning= is not a general term for a wide variety of desires or a search for happiness and meaning. Yearning is a persistent and irreversible movement away from a balanced centre and provides a surprising anthropological connection with philosophical and theological ways of understanding transcendence. Throughout history, it is always fascinating to see the ways in which radical yearning has been and can be lived out, and the ways in which lives can be fully expressed in the interaction between yearning and love. The author provides examples of such materials from a wide variety of sources, which all share common resonances in a sometimes startling way. The result is a kaleidoscopically variegated ?review= that nonetheless sustains a clearly marked search process involving rigorous pattern recognition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Sehnsucht leben

Sehnsucht leben von Martin,  Gerhard Marcel
Yearning is an elementary part of existence, a desire for things that are constantly becoming unattainable. As long as human beings have lives that are finite and bound by space and time, there will always be an insatiable yearning for more, and for things that are completely different. The topic of yearning is an interreligious and cross-cultural phenomenon, although it is experienced, intellectually grasped, suffered and shaped in different ways in different cultures. Philosophers and theologians such as Emmanuel Lévinas and Nicholas of Cusa, and mystics such as Mechthild of Magdeburg and Meister Eckhart, explored paths of thought and experience in connection with yearning and encountered it in the midst of life. Poets such as Gottfried Benn and Hilde Domin, and songwriters such as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, have also addressed the topic of yearning, often in connection with expectations and disappointments in love. Gerhard Marcel Martin is concerned with achieving a precise explanation of the concepts and phenomena involved, one that also involves (depth) psychology. ?Yearning= is not a general term for a wide variety of desires or a search for happiness and meaning. Yearning is a persistent and irreversible movement away from a balanced centre and provides a surprising anthropological connection with philosophical and theological ways of understanding transcendence. Throughout history, it is always fascinating to see the ways in which radical yearning has been and can be lived out, and the ways in which lives can be fully expressed in the interaction between yearning and love. The author provides examples of such materials from a wide variety of sources, which all share common resonances in a sometimes startling way. The result is a kaleidoscopically variegated ?review= that nonetheless sustains a clearly marked search process involving rigorous pattern recognition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *

Sehnsucht leben

Sehnsucht leben von Martin,  Gerhard Marcel
Yearning is an elementary part of existence, a desire for things that are constantly becoming unattainable. As long as human beings have lives that are finite and bound by space and time, there will always be an insatiable yearning for more, and for things that are completely different. The topic of yearning is an interreligious and cross-cultural phenomenon, although it is experienced, intellectually grasped, suffered and shaped in different ways in different cultures. Philosophers and theologians such as Emmanuel Lévinas and Nicholas of Cusa, and mystics such as Mechthild of Magdeburg and Meister Eckhart, explored paths of thought and experience in connection with yearning and encountered it in the midst of life. Poets such as Gottfried Benn and Hilde Domin, and songwriters such as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, have also addressed the topic of yearning, often in connection with expectations and disappointments in love. Gerhard Marcel Martin is concerned with achieving a precise explanation of the concepts and phenomena involved, one that also involves (depth) psychology. ?Yearning= is not a general term for a wide variety of desires or a search for happiness and meaning. Yearning is a persistent and irreversible movement away from a balanced centre and provides a surprising anthropological connection with philosophical and theological ways of understanding transcendence. Throughout history, it is always fascinating to see the ways in which radical yearning has been and can be lived out, and the ways in which lives can be fully expressed in the interaction between yearning and love. The author provides examples of such materials from a wide variety of sources, which all share common resonances in a sometimes startling way. The result is a kaleidoscopically variegated ?review= that nonetheless sustains a clearly marked search process involving rigorous pattern recognition.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Bibliolog von Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open. Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash. Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality. Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Bibliolog von Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open. Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash. Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality. Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Bibliolog von Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open. Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash. Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality. Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Bibliolog von Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Bibliolog von Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Bibliolog von Aigner,  Maria Elisabeth, Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open. Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash. Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality. Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *


Bibliolog von Aigner,  Maria Elisabeth, Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open. Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash. Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality. Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Bibliolog von Aigner,  Maria Elisabeth, Pohl-Patalong,  Uta
"Bibliolog" is a method to experience the bible as alive and important for one's own life. A group, congregation or school class discovers the stories of the bible, interprets them by placing themselves into the minds of the biblical figures and answer questions that the text leaves open. Discovered by the American Jew Peter Pitzele this approach has its roots in the Jewish tradition of Midrash. Whether we have been socialised by the church or not, we are quickly touched and moved by the biblical texts and directly experience the actuality. Bibliolog has quickly spread through the German speaking regions and the growing experience with this approach throughout Europe has lead to its presentation in two volumes. The first volume presents the basic forms that can be conducted in groups of any size over a short time period. The second volume presents forms that allow for more intense encounters with the biblical text.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
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Religion übersetzen

Religion übersetzen von Appel,  Kurt, Danz,  Christian, Grohmann,  Marianne, Potz,  Richard, Ragacs,  Ursula, Rosenberger,  Sieglinde, Walser,  Angelika
The history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam has always been attended by an underlying tension between Hebrew, Greek and Arabic “original texts” and their translations. Out of this tension between canonized texts and changing interpretations, a transformation has taken place that is typical of many religions. Religious texts are transformed through translation and through their reception in different contexts. Their interpretations are shaped by the respective contemporary contexts and at the same time contribute to processes of societal change. The contributions to this volume address the hermeneutical task of forging links between the present day on the one hand and antique bible texts, different stages in the history of their reception and interpretations of the Koran on the other. They present exemplary analyses of texts from the perspectives of the Old and New Testament, patristics, Judaism, Islamic studies, systematic theology and translation science.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
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Bücher zum Thema Bibliodrama

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