Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020 von Abs,  Hermann Josef, Gerecht,  Marius, Grunert,  Cathleen, Hüfner,  Kilian, Kerst,  Christian, Krüger,  Heinz Hermann, Kuper,  Harm, Ludwig,  Katja, Martini,  Renate, Müller,  Margaretha, Radhoff,  Melanie, Ruberg,  Christiane, Sauerwein,  Markus N., Schmidt-Hertha,  Bernhard, Wolter,  Andrä
The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020 von Abs,  Hermann Josef, Kuper,  Harm, Martini,  Renate
The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020 von Abs,  Hermann Josef, Kuper,  Harm, Martini,  Renate
The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020 von Abs,  Hermann Josef, Kuper,  Harm, Martini,  Renate
The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *


HR-Servicemanagement von Appel,  Wolfgang, Felisiak,  Werner
Das Organisationsmodell „Shared Services“ beschäftigt die Verantwortlichen in vielen Unternehmen. Darunter wird die Konsolidierung und Zentralisierung von Prozessen administrativer Organisationseinheiten verstanden. Insbesondere die HR-Funktion hat dieses Thema aufgegriffen. Welche Vorteile stehen für dieses Modell bzw. welche Nachteile sollten ausgeglichen werden? Das vorliegende Buch gibt dem Leser einen unvoreingenommenen Blick in die Praxis. Mit Beiträgen von erfahrenen Praktikern, Beratern und Wissenschaftlern liefert dieser Ratgeber hilfreiche Erkenntnisse, Methoden und Lösungsansätze zur Einführung und zum Betrieb einer Shared-Service-Einheit. Dabei werden neben Risiken und Fehleinschätzungen auch Mitarbeiter- und Kundenthemen behandelt. In der zweiten Auflage werden neue Steuerungsmethoden wie etwa das ITIL-Management oder Erfahrungen der Praxis mit einem fortentwickelten Prozessmanagement vorgestellt. Ein Abschnitt zu rechtlichen Fragen wurde ebenso aufgenommen wie neue Praxisbeispiele. Das Buch gibt Hintergründe, Entscheidungs- und auch Planungshilfe und wendet sich vor allem an HR-Manager, Umsetzer und Entwickler, die das SSC-Modell weiterentwickeln bzw. neu einführen wollen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-29
> findR *

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020 von Abs,  Hermann Josef, Gerecht,  Marius, Grunert,  Cathleen, Hüfner,  Kilian, Kerst,  Christian, Krüger,  Heinz Hermann, Kuper,  Harm, Ludwig,  Katja, Martini,  Renate, Müller,  Margaretha, Radhoff,  Melanie, Ruberg,  Christiane, Sauerwein,  Markus N., Schmidt-Hertha,  Bernhard, Wolter,  Andrä
The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2020 von Abs,  Hermann Josef, Kuper,  Harm, Martini,  Renate
The data report presents the structural development of educational science and is commissioned every four years by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE). The publication aims to inform the field-specialized public, education and higher education politics as well as the public about current developments in educational science as one of the largest fields at German universities. Particular attention is paid to study programs, students, degrees, human resources, research achievements and the promotion of young talents. The data report provides basic information on how educational science develops under the influence of recent changes and identifies the need for action in terms of the political field as well as higher education and education policy. Relevant information in the data report - for example on students, degrees and academic careers - is differentiated by gender. The DGfE thus fulfills its own claim to support gender equality. The data report is of particular importance for current discussions about securing training capacities for professional pedagogical professions and about academic careers.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *


HR-Servicemanagement von Appel,  Wolfgang, Felisiak,  Werner
Das Organisationsmodell „Shared Services“ beschäftigt die Verantwortlichen in vielen Unternehmen. Darunter wird die Konsolidierung und Zentralisierung von Prozessen administrativer Organisationseinheiten verstanden. Insbesondere die HR-Funktion hat dieses Thema aufgegriffen. Welche Vorteile stehen für dieses Modell bzw. welche Nachteile sollten ausgeglichen werden? Das vorliegende Buch gibt dem Leser einen unvoreingenommenen Blick in die Praxis. Mit Beiträgen von erfahrenen Praktikern, Beratern und Wissenschaftlern liefert dieser Ratgeber hilfreiche Erkenntnisse, Methoden und Lösungsansätze zur Einführung und zum Betrieb einer Shared-Service-Einheit. Dabei werden neben Risiken und Fehleinschätzungen auch Mitarbeiter- und Kundenthemen behandelt. In der zweiten Auflage werden neue Steuerungsmethoden wie etwa das ITIL-Management oder Erfahrungen der Praxis mit einem fortentwickelten Prozessmanagement vorgestellt. Ein Abschnitt zu rechtlichen Fragen wurde ebenso aufgenommen wie neue Praxisbeispiele. Das Buch gibt Hintergründe, Entscheidungs- und auch Planungshilfe und wendet sich vor allem an HR-Manager, Umsetzer und Entwickler, die das SSC-Modell weiterentwickeln bzw. neu einführen wollen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-27
> findR *

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