The essays collected in this volume are the proceedings of an international conference on the Sayings Source Q held in Essen, Germany in August 2019. The scholars contributing to this volume generally support the Q hypothesis. Nevertheless, they want to submit their own conceptions to scrutiny. Especially the question as to whether Q scholars are driven by unscholarly projections or prejudices was the subject of debate. Sometimes also exegetes follow trends and fashion. Therefore, the central topic of this volume is a critical self-reflection on the hermeneutical options (and perhaps also biases) in Q Research.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Lukas Bormann,
Walter Dietrich,
Paul Foster,
Marco Frenschkowski,
Marlis Gielen,
Ralf Miggelbrink,
Sarah Rollens,
Hildegard Scherer,
Jens Schröter,
Ruth Scoralick,
Gerd Theißen,
Markus Tiwald,
Christopher Tuckett,
Joseph Verheyden,
Reinhard von Bendemann
> findR *
The essays collected in this volume are the proceedings of an international conference on the Sayings Source Q held in Essen, Germany in August 2019. The scholars contributing to this volume generally support the Q hypothesis. Nevertheless, they want to submit their own conceptions to scrutiny. Especially the question as to whether Q scholars are driven by unscholarly projections or prejudices was the subject of debate. Sometimes also exegetes follow trends and fashion. Therefore, the central topic of this volume is a critical self-reflection on the hermeneutical options (and perhaps also biases) in Q Research.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Lukas Bormann,
Walter Dietrich,
Paul Foster,
Marco Frenschkowski,
Marlis Gielen,
Ralf Miggelbrink,
Sarah Rollens,
Hildegard Scherer,
Jens Schröter,
Ruth Scoralick,
Gerd Theißen,
Markus Tiwald,
Christopher Tuckett,
Joseph Verheyden,
Reinhard von Bendemann
> findR *
The essays collected in this volume are the proceedings of an international conference on the Sayings Source Q held in Essen, Germany in August 2019. The scholars contributing to this volume generally support the Q hypothesis. Nevertheless, they want to submit their own conceptions to scrutiny. Especially the question as to whether Q scholars are driven by unscholarly projections or prejudices was the subject of debate. Sometimes also exegetes follow trends and fashion. Therefore, the central topic of this volume is a critical self-reflection on the hermeneutical options (and perhaps also biases) in Q Research.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Lukas Bormann,
Walter Dietrich,
Paul Foster,
Marco Frenschkowski,
Marlis Gielen,
Ralf Miggelbrink,
Sarah Rollens,
Hildegard Scherer,
Jens Schröter,
Ruth Scoralick,
Gerd Theißen,
Markus Tiwald,
Christopher Tuckett,
Joseph Verheyden,
Reinhard von Bendemann
> findR *
The essays collected in this volume are the proceedings of an international conference on the Sayings Source Q held in Essen, Germany in August 2019. The scholars contributing to this volume generally support the Q hypothesis. Nevertheless, they want to submit their own conceptions to scrutiny. Especially the question as to whether Q scholars are driven by unscholarly projections or prejudices was the subject of debate. Sometimes also exegetes follow trends and fashion. Therefore, the central topic of this volume is a critical self-reflection on the hermeneutical options (and perhaps also biases) in Q Research.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
Reinhard von Bendemann,
Lukas Bormann,
Walter Dietrich,
Paul Foster,
Marco Frenschkowski,
Marlis Gielen,
Ralf Miggelbrink,
Sarah Rollens,
Hildegard Scherer,
Jens Schröter,
Ruth Scoralick,
Gerd Theißen,
Markus Tiwald,
Christopher Tuckett,
Joseph Verheyden
> findR *
The essays collected in this volume are the proceedings of an international conference on the Sayings Source Q held in Essen, Germany in August 2019. The scholars contributing to this volume generally support the Q hypothesis. Nevertheless, they want to submit their own conceptions to scrutiny. Especially the question as to whether Q scholars are driven by unscholarly projections or prejudices was the subject of debate. Sometimes also exegetes follow trends and fashion. Therefore, the central topic of this volume is a critical self-reflection on the hermeneutical options (and perhaps also biases) in Q Research.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
Lukas Bormann,
Walter Dietrich,
Paul Foster,
Marco Frenschkowski,
Marlis Gielen,
Ralf Miggelbrink,
Sarah Rollens,
Hildegard Scherer,
Jens Schröter,
Ruth Scoralick,
Gerd Theißen,
Markus Tiwald,
Christopher Tuckett,
Joseph Verheyden,
Reinhard von Bendemann
> findR *
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