The provocative title - Of the exclusionary Mercy. Intercultural Theology and Disability - represents the lack of studies on disability and disabled people in the field of Intercultural Theology. We will not find many works that consider this relevant topic. Why is research on the subject of Intercultural Theology and disability of value to the Church? For one thing, the number of persons with physical or mental impairments is more than ten percent. Second, given the possibility of impairment by illness, accident or becoming parents of a child with physical or mental impairment during lifetime, the number of those affected by the phenomenon "disability" is much higher. Third, international humanitarian and social efforts to integrate persons with physical or mental impairments by inclusion and participation are increasingly replacing the Church's mission to the poor and marginalized. Humanitarian and social approaches are outdoing Christian efforts, if she is not increasingly pro-actively engaged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The provocative title - Of the exclusionary Mercy. Intercultural Theology and Disability - represents the lack of studies on disability and disabled people in the field of Intercultural Theology. We will not find many works that consider this relevant topic. Why is research on the subject of Intercultural Theology and disability of value to the Church? For one thing, the number of persons with physical or mental impairments is more than ten percent. Second, given the possibility of impairment by illness, accident or becoming parents of a child with physical or mental impairment during lifetime, the number of those affected by the phenomenon "disability" is much higher. Third, international humanitarian and social efforts to integrate persons with physical or mental impairments by inclusion and participation are increasingly replacing the Church's mission to the poor and marginalized. Humanitarian and social approaches are outdoing Christian efforts, if she is not increasingly pro-actively engaged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The provocative title - Of the exclusionary Mercy. Intercultural Theology and Disability - represents the lack of studies on disability and disabled people in the field of Intercultural Theology. We will not find many works that consider this relevant topic. Why is research on the subject of Intercultural Theology and disability of value to the Church? For one thing, the number of persons with physical or mental impairments is more than ten percent. Second, given the possibility of impairment by illness, accident or becoming parents of a child with physical or mental impairment during lifetime, the number of those affected by the phenomenon "disability" is much higher. Third, international humanitarian and social efforts to integrate persons with physical or mental impairments by inclusion and participation are increasingly replacing the Church's mission to the poor and marginalized. Humanitarian and social approaches are outdoing Christian efforts, if she is not increasingly pro-actively engaged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Oliver Merz reimt auch in seinem zweiten Gedichtband zu sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Themen weiter und lässt auch Gott, Religion und Spiritualität nicht aus.
Die Texte sind illustriert mit Fotos des Autors, die er auf seiner bisherigen Lebensreise festgehalten hat. Dies verleiht dem Buch eine besondere persönliche Note.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
The provocative title - Of the exclusionary Mercy. Intercultural Theology and Disability - represents the lack of studies on disability and disabled people in the field of Intercultural Theology. We will not find many works that consider this relevant topic. Why is research on the subject of Intercultural Theology and disability of value to the Church? For one thing, the number of persons with physical or mental impairments is more than ten percent. Second, given the possibility of impairment by illness, accident or becoming parents of a child with physical or mental impairment during lifetime, the number of those affected by the phenomenon "disability" is much higher. Third, international humanitarian and social efforts to integrate persons with physical or mental impairments by inclusion and participation are increasingly replacing the Church's mission to the poor and marginalized. Humanitarian and social approaches are outdoing Christian efforts, if she is not increasingly pro-actively engaged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
The provocative title - Of the exclusionary Mercy. Intercultural Theology and Disability - represents the lack of studies on disability and disabled people in the field of Intercultural Theology. We will not find many works that consider this relevant topic. Why is research on the subject of Intercultural Theology and disability of value to the Church? For one thing, the number of persons with physical or mental impairments is more than ten percent. Second, given the possibility of impairment by illness, accident or becoming parents of a child with physical or mental impairment during lifetime, the number of those affected by the phenomenon "disability" is much higher. Third, international humanitarian and social efforts to integrate persons with physical or mental impairments by inclusion and participation are increasingly replacing the Church's mission to the poor and marginalized. Humanitarian and social approaches are outdoing Christian efforts, if she is not increasingly pro-actively engaged.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Oliver Merz reimt zur Coronakrise, zu sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Themen und lässt auch Gott und Feste im Kirchenjahr nicht aus.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-18
Laurenz Aselmeier,
Ines Boban,
Andreas Hinz,
Martina Holder,
Jo Jerg,
Bernhard Joss-Dubach,
Ralph Kunz,
Ulf Liedke,
Walter Lüssi,
Reinhard Markowetz,
Oliver Merz,
Anita Müller-Friese,
Thomas Schlag,
Wolfhard Schweiker,
Christoph Sigrist
> findR *
Weltneuheit - erstes interaktives Lyrik- und Bildband: ein gebundenes Buch und doch variabel; der Leser kann im Buch Texte und Bilder verändern; das Buch ist ein Kunststück. Das Buch versteht sich als ein Sammelband aus Bild- und poetischen Textwerken unter Einbezug des Benutzers. Die Bindung des Buches gibt die ursprüngliche Reihenfolge vor. Der Anfang weist noch keine optischen Abweichungen vor. Inhaltlich sind aber schon Merkwürdigkeiten festzustellen. Der Rezipient wird nun allmählich in die Veränderbarkeit des Buches eingeführt. Er begibt sich auf eine Entdeckungsreise. Er beginnt zu suchen und findet verschiedene Möglichkeiten, andersartige Bilder und Texte zu entwickeln. Am Ende des Sammelbandes wird der Leser zum Ursprung zurückgeführt. Er begreift somit was und wie er verändern kann. Das Ziel: Wohlgefühl und Erkenntnis zu finden. Inhalt des Buches: Es wird das Leben eines Künstlers vorgestellt. Die Texte beziehen den Leser mit ein. Dieser wird aktiv: gestaltet, nimmt teil und verändert im Buch. Es entsteht ein Zusammenspiel zwischen ihm und dem Werk. Er tritt schließlich an die Stelle des Autors. Er ist nun Artist und vollbringt ein Kunststück. Die Lyrik umspannt viele Lebensbereiche. Sie ist sehr persönlich. Sie ist auch als Lebenshilfe zu verstehen. Sie hat aber immer einen humoristischen Unterton. So wird ein leichterer Zugang zum Leser ermöglicht. Eine neue Art der Kommunikation beim Lesen wird geschaffen: Autor und Leser im Verband. Wofür das Alles? ME - Mehr Erkenntnis! Oliver Merz
Aktualisiert: 2019-03-20
> findR *
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