Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Emotion
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Roderich Barth,
Anja Berninger,
Frank Thomas Brinkmann,
Lars Charbonnier,
Sabine A Döring,
Kristian Fechtner,
Andreas Feldtkeller,
Volker Gerhardt,
Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt,
Albrecht Grözinger,
Hans Martin Gutmann,
Annette Haußmann,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Regine Herbrik,
Jan Hermelink,
Jörg Herrmann,
Hubert Knoblauch,
Dietrich Korsch,
Martin Krumlehn,
Martina Kumlehn,
Matthias Mader,
Kristin Merle,
Jörg Metelmann,
Georg Northoff,
Ursula Roth,
Rolf Schieder,
Thomas Schlag,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Birgit Weyel
> findR *
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Emotion
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Roderich Barth,
Anja Berninger,
Frank Thomas Brinkmann,
Lars Charbonnier,
Sabine A Döring,
Kristian Fechtner,
Andreas Feldtkeller,
Volker Gerhardt,
Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt,
Albrecht Grözinger,
Hans Martin Gutmann,
Annette Haußmann,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Regine Herbrik,
Jan Hermelink,
Jörg Herrmann,
Hubert Knoblauch,
Dietrich Korsch,
Martin Krumlehn,
Martina Kumlehn,
Matthias Mader,
Kristin Merle,
Jörg Metelmann,
Georg Northoff,
Ursula Roth,
Rolf Schieder,
Thomas Schlag,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Birgit Weyel
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-01
> findR *
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Emotion
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-28
Roderich Barth,
Anja Berninger,
Frank Thomas Brinkmann,
Lars Charbonnier,
Sabine A Döring,
Kristian Fechtner,
Andreas Feldtkeller,
Volker Gerhardt,
Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt,
Albrecht Grözinger,
Hans Martin Gutmann,
Annette Haußmann,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Regine Herbrik,
Jan Hermelink,
Jörg Herrmann,
Hubert Knoblauch,
Dietrich Korsch,
Martin Krumlehn,
Martina Kumlehn,
Matthias Mader,
Kristin Merle,
Jörg Metelmann,
Georg Northoff,
Ursula Roth,
Rolf Schieder,
Thomas Schlag,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Birgit Weyel
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Emotion
Aktualisiert: 2019-04-18
Roderich Barth,
Anja Berninger,
Frank Thomas Brinkmann,
Lars Charbonnier,
Sabine A Döring,
Kristian Fechtner,
Andreas Feldtkeller,
Volker Gerhardt,
Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt,
Albrecht Grözinger,
Hans Martin Gutmann,
Annette Haußmann,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Regine Herbrik,
Jan Hermelink,
Jörg Herrmann,
Hubert Knoblauch,
Dietrich Korsch,
Martin Krumlehn,
Martina Kumlehn,
Matthias Mader,
Kristin Merle,
Jörg Metelmann,
Georg Northoff,
Ursula Roth,
Rolf Schieder,
Thomas Schlag,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Birgit Weyel
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
More recent developments in neuroscience have intensified the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalyses and neuroscience and have opened a new door to the world of science for the psychoanalysis. Five leading experts are exploring the opportunities and difficulties of this dialogue. They discuss scientific theoretical and methodical problems and explore, how the central concepts of the psychoanalysis can be developed further through an exchange with neuroscience.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-03
> findR *
Welchen Beitrag leistet die Psychoanalyse für die Lösung aktueller gesellschaftlicher Probleme und wissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen? Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die aktuellen Dialoge der Psychoanalyse mit den Nachbarwissenschaften.
Aktualisiert: 2022-02-15
Michael Bertschinger,
Heinz Böker,
Dominique Bondy-Borbely ,
Brigitte Boothe,
Peter Dettmering,
Michael Dümpelmann,
Mario Erdheim,
Ludwig Haesler,
Peter Hartwich,
Rolf Haubl,
Holger Himmighoffen,
Allice Holzhey-Kunz,
Joachim Küchenhoff,
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber,
Alexander Moser,
Maya Nadig,
Georg Northoff,
Thomas Stark,
Regula E. Umbricht,
Thomas Umbricht,
Hans-Jürgen Wirth,
Ioannis Zachariadis,
Jeanette Zahner
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Das Verhältnis von Religion und Emotion
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-28
Roderich Barth,
Anja Berninger,
Frank Thomas Brinkmann,
Lars Charbonnier,
Sabine A Döring,
Kristian Fechtner,
Andreas Feldtkeller,
Volker Gerhardt,
Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt,
Albrecht Grözinger,
Hans Martin Gutmann,
Annette Haußmann,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Regine Herbrik,
Jan Hermelink,
Jörg Herrmann,
Hubert Knoblauch,
Dietrich Korsch,
Martin Krumlehn,
Martina Kumlehn,
Matthias Mader,
Kristin Merle,
Jörg Metelmann,
Georg Northoff,
Ursula Roth,
Rolf Schieder,
Thomas Schlag,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Birgit Weyel
> findR *
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