Vom Sammeln, Bedenken und Deuten in Geschichte, Kunst und Psychoanalyse
Gerhard Fichtner zu Ehren
Thomas Aichhorn, Wolfgang Bartelke, Joachim F Danckwardt, Claudia Frank, Günter Gödde, Peter Härtling, Oonagh Hayes, Ludger M. Hermanns, Albrecht Hirschmüller, Jens Kolata, Richard Kühl, Katrin Esther Lörch-Merkle, Ulrike May, Thomas Mueller, Pia Daniela Schmücker, Heinz Schott, Michael Schroeter, Christfried Tögel, Henning Tümmers, Johannes Michael Wischnath
This commemorative volume for Gerhard Fichtner, a Tübingen historian of medicine and psychoanalysis who died in 2012, contains diverse scholarly articles, published here for the first time, by colleagues, friends and students who trace the history of medicine and the history of psychoanalysis. The volume contains a biographical appraisal, personal memories by Peter Härtling and Wolfgang Bartelke, a personal bibliography of Gerhard Fichtner as well as a woodblock by HAP Grieshabers printed from the original.