The contents of this book are classified into the following four parts: Damage descriptions and basic requirements, System identification, Interaction between system identification and damage evaluation, New concepts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
The contents of this book are classified into the following four parts: Damage descriptions and basic requirements, System identification, Interaction between system identification and damage evaluation, New concepts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
The contents of this book are classified into the following four parts: Damage descriptions and basic requirements, System identification, Interaction between system identification and damage evaluation, New concepts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-02
> findR *
Ruins have for a long time captured the human imagination and, in one way or another, have been inscribed in a community's memory, history, or lore. This long-standing tradition concerning ruins – be it real or imagined, ancient or modern ones – has resulted in a multitude of reflections and creative interpretations. The discourse on ruins, steeped in tradition as it is, offers a unique vantage point to reflect upon their actual meaning in various societies and disciplines by focusing on how they have been and still are often (mis)used and employed in contemporary debates as powerful symbols and motifs. Tackling questions related to the genealogies, functions, and interpretations of ruins in literary and artistic, political and legal, philosophical and sociological discourses, this book aims at moving the discussion beyond the level of case studies. The contributors examine the perception of ruins and the discourse on decay, destruction, and reconstruction from various disciplinary perspectives, referring to a multitude of ruin-related concepts such as 'longing', 'memory', 'trauma', and 'identity'.
Aktualisiert: 2023-05-10
> findR *
LiDAR (Light detection and ranging) stellt eine der Schlüsseltechnologien für das autonome Fahren dar. Aus diesem Grund beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der Frage der Augensicherheit der laser-basierten Technologie. Dazu wurden Untersuchungen zu Laser-Gewebe-Wechselwirkungen, laser-induzierte Schädigungsschwellen und- mechanismen durch Multipulszüge durchgeführt als auch Bewertungen gemäß des Lasersicherheitsstandards in Europa (DIN EN 60825) und den USA (ANSI Z.136) angewandt. LiDAR (Light detection and ranging) represents one of the key technologies for autonomous driving. For this reason, this work is concerned with the question of eye safety of the laser-based technology. For this purpose, investigations on laser-tissue interactions, laser-induced damage thresholds and mechanisms by multi-pulse trains were performed as well as assessments according to the laser safety standard in Europe (DIN EN 60825) and the USA (ANSI Z.136) were applied.
Aktualisiert: 2022-05-05
> findR *
Ruins have for a long time captured the human imagination and, in one way or another, have been inscribed in a community's memory, history, or lore. This long-standing tradition concerning ruins – be it real or imagined, ancient or modern ones – has resulted in a multitude of reflections and creative interpretations. The discourse on ruins, steeped in tradition as it is, offers a unique vantage point to reflect upon their actual meaning in various societies and disciplines by focusing on how they have been and still are often (mis)used and employed in contemporary debates as powerful symbols and motifs. Tackling questions related to the genealogies, functions, and interpretations of ruins in literary and artistic, political and legal, philosophical and sociological discourses, this book aims at moving the discussion beyond the level of case studies. The contributors examine the perception of ruins and the discourse on decay, destruction, and reconstruction from various disciplinary perspectives, referring to a multitude of ruin-related concepts such as 'longing', 'memory', 'trauma', and 'identity'.
Aktualisiert: 2023-02-14
> findR *
Die Temperaturunterschiede zwischen der freigesetzten Verdauungswärme im Magen-Darm-Trakt und der Umgebung bewirken einen Wärmetransport durch Wärmeleitung im Gewebe, in festen Stoffen, Flüssigkeiten und Gasen von Stellen höherer zu solchen tieferer Temperatur. Die Wärmeleitung ist eine physikalische Thermoregulation, die durch kollektive Schwingungen der Gitterbausteine vermittelt wird. Schadstoffe in der Nahrung und in den Zahnfleischtaschen verursachen eine Energieerhöhung der Verdauungswärme und der Wärme in den Zahnfleischtaschen. Die Energie der Verdauungswärme, die durch die Energie der Wärme einer akuten oder systemischen Entzündung einer Zahnfleischtasche erhöht ist, führt zu erhöhten Schwingungen der Gitterbausteine, die diese Wärmeenergie in Wärmebahnen zu Stellen tieferer Temperatur leiten und an Stellen geringer und zu geringer Wärmeleitfähigkeit Schädigungen, Schmerzen und Entzündungen auslösen. In der Wärme der Entzündungen bilden sich schädliche Bakterien, die die Entzündungen verstärken. Ausgelöste Entzündungen werden chronisch, wenn die verursachende Entzündung an Stellen höherer Temperatur nicht beseitigt wurde. Kausale Behandlungen ermöglichen die Heilung von Entzündungen, wie Tumoren und Krankheiten, wie rheumatoide Arthritis, Krebs und Parkinson und verhindern Antibiotika-Resistenzen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-01-01
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
The contents of this book are classified into the following four parts: Damage descriptions and basic requirements, System identification, Interaction between system identification and damage evaluation, New concepts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-01
> findR *
A concept to monitor hybrid angular ball bearings is presented. Interactions of damaged balls with the steel raceways are shown. Week points in calculating ball spinning speeds are discussed and methods to improve this are proposed. Results based on sensors measuring structure borne noise are compared to results of vibration sensors and metal particle sensors. It is shown that a detection of bearing failures is possible at an early stage of degradation. A concept for a live time model that estimates the remaining time after detecting a bearing failure is delivered. The governing parameters to estimate remaining life after detecting a bearing failure are identified. A concept of a self-monitoring unit is introduced.
Aktualisiert: 2022-09-30
> findR *
In dieser Arbeit wird crazing bei amorphen thermoplastischen Kunststoffen untersucht. Experimente an einem ABS- Kunststoff werden genutzt, um das Deformations- und Schädigungsverhalten zu charakterisieren. Ein homogenisiertes Materialmodel für verteiltes Crazing wurde entwickelt. Simulationen von mikroskopischen Risswachstum und der Vergleich mit Experimenten werden verwendet, um die plastische Zone an einer Rissspitze und das Risswachstum zu untersuchen. In this work crazing in amorphous thermoplastics is investigated. Experiments on an ABS-material are used to characterize the deformation and fracture behavior. A homogenized material model for distributed crazing is developed. Simulation of macroscopic crack growth and the comparison with experiments are used to investigate the plastic zone at the crack tip and the fracture behavior.
Aktualisiert: 2021-02-11
> findR *
Dynamisch-mechanische Analyse wird verwendet um die temperaturabhängige, anisotrope viskoelastische Steifigkeit, Schädigungsinduzierte Steifigkeitsdegradation sowie physikalische Alterung von Polypropylen und dem im Fließpressverfahren hergestellten langfaserverstärkten Polypropylen zu untersuchen. Basierend auf Mikro-Computertomographiedaten wird die Approximation linear elastischer Eigenschaften unter Verwendung der Mori-Tanaka-Methode dargestellt. Dynamical mechanical analysis is used to investigate the temperature dependent, anisotropic visco-elastic stiffness, damage induced stiffness degradation as well as physical aging of polypropylene and the anisotropic compression molded long fiber reinforced polypropylene. Based on micro-computer tomography data, the approximations of the linear elastic properties using the Mori-Tanaka method are presented.
Aktualisiert: 2021-02-11
> findR *
The contents of this book are classified into the following four parts: Damage descriptions and basic requirements, System identification, Interaction between system identification and damage evaluation, New concepts.
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-04-04
> findR *
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