The ›Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse‹ (Yearbook of Psychoanalysis) was founded in 1960 as a scholarly medium for publication and discussion of the German Psychoanalytic Association. Its initial goal was to end the exile of psychoanalytic research and treatment, which had suffered heavy losses due to the rupture of civilization under National Socialism, as much as possible, to bring it back into use and to improve its potential for development. “Working in our own country while maintaining a constant exchange of ideas with the work of the psychoanalytic writers in the entire world“: This was the task which Anna Freud entrusted to the ›Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse‹ in 1960. It is still valid today as the basic principle of the dialogue in the diversity of psychoanalytic schools of thought.
Without any commitment to a specific school of thought, the ›Jahrbuch‹ is based on the idea of the optionality of every interpretation which is protected from arbitrariness based on loyalty to a certain method. This idea applies to all the categories in the ›Jahrbuch‹: clinical practice, clinical theory, metapyschology as well as applied psychoanalysis. In addition, it supports the long tradition of translations of the pre-released talks held at the international psychoanalytic conferences and the publication of the annual Karl Abrahan and the Wolfgang Loch lecture. The ›Jahrbuch‹ focuses on the psychoanalytic-methodological essentials as prerequisites for the development of the wealth of experience and applications of psychoanalysis and tries to promote connections to the international discussion as well as the dialogue with neighboring disciplines from the fields of science, art and society.
Peer-reviewing, which was introduced in 2002, has helped with the selection and the improvement of the articles submitted. The regular publication of volumes on specific subjects has challenged the editorial staff and the publisher to provide a comprehensive introduction of a topic from various perspectives and ensure that this becomes a part of the scholarly discourse on this specific subject. The profile of the ›Jahrbuch‹ is rounded out by the “supplements“ in which pertinent monographs are published.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Franco De Masi,
Angelika Ebrecht-Laermann,
Hans Essers,
Sebastian Krutzenbichler,
Elfriede Löchel,
Ulrike May,
Dietmut Niedecken,
Bernd Nissen,
Ursula Ostendorf,
Rosine Jozef Perelberg,
Johannes Picht,
Dominique Scarfone,
Gerd Schmithüsen
> findR *
Klinik der Psychoanalyse: Ronald Britton: Emanzipation vom Über-Ich: eine klinische Studie über das Buch Hiob – Rosine Jozef Perelberg: Narzißtische Konfigurationen: Gewalt und ihre Abwesenheit in der Behandlung – Lotte Köhler: Der Erkenntnisgewinn der neueren Entwicklungspsychologie und seine Integration in die psychoanalytische Praxis – Gerhard Schneider: Die Gefahr der Heilung – psychische Veränderung als tödliche Bedrohung – Karl-Abraham-Vorlesung: Daniel H. Widlöcher: Zeit des Zuhörens, Zeit der Deutung – Wolfgang-Loch-Vorlesung: Friedrich-Wilhelm Eickhoff: Über Nachträglichkeit. Die Modernität eines alten Konzepts – Angewandte Psychoanalyse: Joachim F. Danckwardt: Psychoanalytische Betrachtungen zur Entstehung der bogigen Linie (Container-Contained) bei Paul Klee. Ein Beitrag zur Psychoanalyse des Wachstums und der Beeinflussung – Konstanze Zinnecker-Mallmann: Der doppelte Erich. Das Doppelgängermotiv bei Erich Kästner.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Ronald Britton,
Joachim F Danckwardt,
Friedrich-Wilhelm Eickhoff,
Claudia Frank,
Ludger M. Hermanns,
Helmut Hinz,
Lotte Köhler,
Rosine Jozef Perelberg,
Gerhard Schneider,
Daniel H. Widlöcher,
Konstanze Zinnecker-Mallmann
> findR *
I Themenschwerpunkt: Methoden der Behandlung
Michael Feldman: Licht in die Geschichte bringen
Judith L. Mitrani: Einige technische Implikationen von Melanie Kleins Konzept einer „verfrühten Ich-Entwicklung“
Michael Parsons: Vorstoß ins Sprachlose. Das innere analytische Setting und das Lauschen jenseits der Gegenübertragung
Rosine Jozef Perelberg: Raum und Zeit im psychoanalytischen Zuhören
II Psychoanalytische Beiträge und theoretische Kontroversen
Rachel B. Blass/Zvi Carmeli: Plädoyer gegen die Neuropsychoanalyse. Fehlschlüsse, die dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Trend in der Psychoanalyse zugrunde liegen und ihre negativen Auswirkungen auf den analytischen Diskurs
Briefe an die Herausgeber zum Artikel „Plädoyer gegen die Neuropsychoanalyse“ von Blass und Carmeli/Erwiderung der Autoren auf die Briefe von Mauro Mancia und Gilbert Pugh
Giovanna R. Goretti: Projektive Identifizierung: Kleins „Bemerkungen über einige schizoide Mechanismen“ als Ausgangspunkt einer theoretischen Untersuchung des Konzepts
Briefe an die Herausgeber zum Artikel „Projektive Identifizierung“ von Goretti
Thomas Ogden: Träumerisches Sprechen
III Aus der Forschung/Kinderperspektiven
Björn Salomonsson: „Talk to me baby, tell me what’s the matter now“. Die Kommunikation in der psychoanalytischen Behandlung von Säuglingen: semiotische und entwicklungspsychologische Perspektiven.
Aktualisiert: 2020-01-06
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The ›Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse‹ is celebrating its 50th anniversary, an occasion for retrospection and for moving forward as well. With this in mind, we are starting a new series with volume 61. An article from the early years, ›Entwicklung und Weiterentwicklung der Libidotheorie‹ (Development of the Libido Theory) by Gerhart Scheunert, one of the founders of the ›Jahrbuch‹, has been provided with new commentaries written by two outstanding representatives of differing psychoanalytic viewpoints from a present-day perspective, in this volume by Werner Bohleber and Heinz Müller-Pozzi. With the publication of last year’s Karl Abraham lecture by the English psychoanalyst Rosine Jozef Perelberg (›Ein Vater wird geschlagen‹) (A Father is Being Beaten) as well as the current Wolfgang Loch lecture by Carl Nedelmann (›Die Verleugnung der Realität‹) (The Denial of Reality), the study of perversion continues along with the tradition of documenting this lecture series in the ›Jahrbuch‹. The column on the ›History of Psychoanalysis‹ includes an article by Hanna Knapp on the early reception of psychoanalysis in Spain and an addendum by Ernst Falzeder on Freud’s analysis of Elfriede Hirschfeld. A detailed essay by F.-W. Eickhoff deals with the newly published complete edition of the correspondence between Freud and Karl Abraham.
Aktualisiert: 2019-12-20
Werner Bohleber,
Friedrich-Wilhelm Eickhoff,
Ernst Falzeder,
Claudia Frank,
Ludger M. Hermanns,
Hanna Knapp,
Elfriede Löchel,
Heinz Müller-Pozzi,
Carl Nedelmann,
Rosine Jozef Perelberg,
Gerhart Scheunert,
Laurie Wilson
> findR *
The ›Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse‹ (Yearbook of Psychoanalysis) was founded in 1960 as a scholarly medium for publication and discussion of the German Psychoanalytic Association. Its initial goal was to end the exile of psychoanalytic research and treatment, which had suffered heavy losses due to the rupture of civilization under National Socialism, as much as possible, to bring it back into use and to improve its potential for development. “Working in our own country while maintaining a constant exchange of ideas with the work of the psychoanalytic writers in the entire world“: This was the task which Anna Freud entrusted to the ›Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse‹ in 1960. It is still valid today as the basic principle of the dialogue in the diversity of psychoanalytic schools of thought.
Without any commitment to a specific school of thought, the ›Jahrbuch‹ is based on the idea of the optionality of every interpretation which is protected from arbitrariness based on loyalty to a certain method. This idea applies to all the categories in the ›Jahrbuch‹: clinical practice, clinical theory, metapyschology as well as applied psychoanalysis. In addition, it supports the long tradition of translations of the pre-released talks held at the international psychoanalytic conferences and the publication of the annual Karl Abrahan and the Wolfgang Loch lecture. The ›Jahrbuch‹ focuses on the psychoanalytic-methodological essentials as prerequisites for the development of the wealth of experience and applications of psychoanalysis and tries to promote connections to the international discussion as well as the dialogue with neighboring disciplines from the fields of science, art and society.
Peer-reviewing, which was introduced in 2002, has helped with the selection and the improvement of the articles submitted. The regular publication of volumes on specific subjects has challenged the editorial staff and the publisher to provide a comprehensive introduction of a topic from various perspectives and ensure that this becomes a part of the scholarly discourse on this specific subject. The profile of the ›Jahrbuch‹ is rounded out by the “supplements“ in which pertinent monographs are published.
Aktualisiert: 2023-03-14
Franco De Masi,
Angelika Ebrecht-Laermann,
Hans Essers,
Sebastian Krutzenbichler,
Elfriede Löchel,
Ulrike May,
Dietmut Niedecken,
Bernd Nissen,
Ursula Ostendorf,
Rosine Jozef Perelberg,
Johannes Picht,
Dominique Scarfone,
Gerd Schmithüsen
> findR *
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