Die neue Kommentierung des 1. Thessalonicherbriefs erhält ihr Profil dadurch, dass sie den Brief konsequent im Rahmen seiner geschichtlichen Gesprächssituation versteht: als Bestärkung einer jungen Konvertitengruppe, die innerhalb einer distanzierten, ja ablehnenden hellenistischen Großstadt um ihre eigene Identität ringt. Als Hauptthemen arbeitet der Kommentar einerseits die bleibende Bedeutung der Beziehung zwischen der Gemeinde und ihren Gründern, die den Brief als Medium der Beziehungspflege einsetzen, heraus, andererseits die Betonung des eschatologischen Charakters christlicher Existenz, der wesentlich zur neuen Identität beiträgt. Weil es sich um das älteste christliche Schreiben überhaupt handelt, richtet sich die besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Anfänge christlicher Sprache, die darin Spuren hinterlassen haben.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
Die neue Kommentierung des 1. Thessalonicherbriefs erhält ihr Profil dadurch, dass sie den Brief konsequent im Rahmen seiner geschichtlichen Gesprächssituation versteht: als Bestärkung einer jungen Konvertitengruppe, die innerhalb einer distanzierten, ja ablehnenden hellenistischen Großstadt um ihre eigene Identität ringt. Als Hauptthemen arbeitet der Kommentar einerseits die bleibende Bedeutung der Beziehung zwischen der Gemeinde und ihren Gründern, die den Brief als Medium der Beziehungspflege einsetzen, heraus, andererseits die Betonung des eschatologischen Charakters christlicher Existenz, der wesentlich zur neuen Identität beiträgt. Weil es sich um das älteste christliche Schreiben überhaupt handelt, richtet sich die besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Anfänge christlicher Sprache, die darin Spuren hinterlassen haben.
Aktualisiert: 2023-07-01
> findR *
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time. And: he contradicts himself, particularly in his conception of what women should be like and in his factual dealings with them. The fact that the letter includes the notorious misogynistic sentences that were written in Paul=s name is often the first association it calls up today. In addition, the letter is burdened by a long and prominent tradition of interpretation that used Paul to justify Christian positions of domination: the figure of Paul was used as a projection screen for Christian office-holders and their conceptions of domination over believers. Even more ominously, Paul epitomized a search for Christian identity by distinguishing it negatively from Judaism, which was regarded as a ?religion of the law=. A rediscovery of Paul is overdue. The first edition of this commentary on the First Letter to the Corinthians was published in 2013; for the new edition, the bibliography has been supplemented with more recent publications & in the spirit of Luise Schottroff, who was never concerned with completeness, but rather with relevance for a fresh reading of Paul that makes use of social history and criticism of empire and is gender-aware. Minor errors in the text have been corrected and a few additions have been made. The interpretation is enduringly up-to-date and represents the current state of international Pauline research. Luise Schottroff=s interpretation of the letter makes it possible to develop different perspectives on the text and make them fruitful for one=s own further research. Even five years after her death, she is an important teacher for those who are looking for their own critical and life-affirming approach to theology and exegesis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time. And: he contradicts himself, particularly in his conception of what women should be like and in his factual dealings with them. The fact that the letter includes the notorious misogynistic sentences that were written in Paul=s name is often the first association it calls up today. In addition, the letter is burdened by a long and prominent tradition of interpretation that used Paul to justify Christian positions of domination: the figure of Paul was used as a projection screen for Christian office-holders and their conceptions of domination over believers. Even more ominously, Paul epitomized a search for Christian identity by distinguishing it negatively from Judaism, which was regarded as a ?religion of the law=. A rediscovery of Paul is overdue. The first edition of this commentary on the First Letter to the Corinthians was published in 2013; for the new edition, the bibliography has been supplemented with more recent publications & in the spirit of Luise Schottroff, who was never concerned with completeness, but rather with relevance for a fresh reading of Paul that makes use of social history and criticism of empire and is gender-aware. Minor errors in the text have been corrected and a few additions have been made. The interpretation is enduringly up-to-date and represents the current state of international Pauline research. Luise Schottroff=s interpretation of the letter makes it possible to develop different perspectives on the text and make them fruitful for one=s own further research. Even five years after her death, she is an important teacher for those who are looking for their own critical and life-affirming approach to theology and exegesis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time. And: he contradicts himself, particularly in his conception of what women should be like and in his factual dealings with them. The fact that the letter includes the notorious misogynistic sentences that were written in Paul=s name is often the first association it calls up today. In addition, the letter is burdened by a long and prominent tradition of interpretation that used Paul to justify Christian positions of domination: the figure of Paul was used as a projection screen for Christian office-holders and their conceptions of domination over believers. Even more ominously, Paul epitomized a search for Christian identity by distinguishing it negatively from Judaism, which was regarded as a ?religion of the law=. A rediscovery of Paul is overdue. The first edition of this commentary on the First Letter to the Corinthians was published in 2013; for the new edition, the bibliography has been supplemented with more recent publications & in the spirit of Luise Schottroff, who was never concerned with completeness, but rather with relevance for a fresh reading of Paul that makes use of social history and criticism of empire and is gender-aware. Minor errors in the text have been corrected and a few additions have been made. The interpretation is enduringly up-to-date and represents the current state of international Pauline research. Luise Schottroff=s interpretation of the letter makes it possible to develop different perspectives on the text and make them fruitful for one=s own further research. Even five years after her death, she is an important teacher for those who are looking for their own critical and life-affirming approach to theology and exegesis.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Well-structured and easy to read the authors of this textbook present this introduction on level with the current academic debate. The writings are at the centre of the work. They are organised in four thematic blocks, preceded by general topics (questions on synopsis, pseudepigrapha). Every writing is analyzed following its structure, its genesis (time, place, author, sources, and hypothesis of separation) and its specific discussion (cultural milieu, situation, content).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Martin Ebner,
Christian Frevel,
Marlis Gielen,
Gerd Häfner,
Martin Karrer,
Matthias Konradt,
Joachim Kügler,
Gisela Muschiol,
Dietrich Rusam,
Dorothea Sattler,
Thomas Schmeller,
Stefan Schreiber,
Michael Theobald,
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
> findR *
Well-structured and easy to read the authors of this textbook present this introduction on level with the current academic debate. The writings are at the centre of the work. They are organised in four thematic blocks, preceded by general topics (questions on synopsis, pseudepigrapha). Every writing is analyzed following its structure, its genesis (time, place, author, sources, and hypothesis of separation) and its specific discussion (cultural milieu, situation, content).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Martin Ebner,
Christian Frevel,
Marlis Gielen,
Gerd Häfner,
Martin Karrer,
Matthias Konradt,
Joachim Kügler,
Gisela Muschiol,
Dietrich Rusam,
Dorothea Sattler,
Thomas Schmeller,
Stefan Schreiber,
Michael Theobald,
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
> findR *
Im Markusevangelium finden sich chiffrierte Anspielungen auf das Ritual des römischen Triumphzugs.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *
Im Markusevangelium finden sich chiffrierte Anspielungen auf das Ritual des römischen Triumphzugs.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-29
> findR *
Die Leidesgeschichte der Jünger wird im Passionsbericht des Lukasevangeliums proleptisch vorweggenommen.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
> findR *
Festschrift für den Neutestamentler Max Küchler
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Veronika Bachmann,
Luc Devillers,
Martin Ebner,
Margareta Gruber,
Peter Lampe,
Michael Lattke,
Markus Lau,
Stephan Lauber,
Florian Lippke,
Riccardo Lufrani,
James M. Morgan,
Matthias Morgenstern,
Ronny Reich,
Karl Matthias Schmidt,
Stefan Schreiber,
Thomas Schumacher,
Katja Soennecken,
Thomas Staubli,
Gerd Theißen,
Dieter Vieweger,
Petra von Gemünden,
Jürgen Zangenberg,
Wolfgang Zwickel
> findR *
Festschrift für den Neutestamentler Max Küchler
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Veronika Bachmann,
Luc Devillers,
Martin Ebner,
Margareta Gruber,
Peter Lampe,
Michael Lattke,
Markus Lau,
Stephan Lauber,
Florian Lippke,
Riccardo Lufrani,
James M. Morgan,
Matthias Morgenstern,
Ronny Reich,
Karl Matthias Schmidt,
Stefan Schreiber,
Thomas Schumacher,
Katja Soennecken,
Thomas Staubli,
Gerd Theißen,
Dieter Vieweger,
Petra von Gemünden,
Jürgen Zangenberg,
Wolfgang Zwickel
> findR *
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