This textbook illustrates the "history of Israel" from the beginnings until the Bar-Kochba insurgence 132-135 AD. The knowledge, which is indispensable for exegesis and theology studies, is passed on by the author as a matter of course and in light of current research. He uses all available sources for his illustrations: next to the bible, archaeological findings, inscriptions and artwork have been considered; it is shown by means of example how the sources are to be interpreted and where the boundaries of reconstructing history lie. For this purposes, he introduces the latest findings of archaeological and historic research and links the results to biblical interpretations in a critical manner. This produces an impression of the history of ancient Israel in the context of the Southern Levant, which is often familiar, but also fresh and unexpected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This textbook illustrates the "history of Israel" from the beginnings until the Bar-Kochba insurgence 132-135 AD. The knowledge, which is indispensable for exegesis and theology studies, is passed on by the author as a matter of course and in light of current research. He uses all available sources for his illustrations: next to the bible, archaeological findings, inscriptions and artwork have been considered; it is shown by means of example how the sources are to be interpreted and where the boundaries of reconstructing history lie. For this purposes, he introduces the latest findings of archaeological and historic research and links the results to biblical interpretations in a critical manner. This produces an impression of the history of ancient Israel in the context of the Southern Levant, which is often familiar, but also fresh and unexpected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
This textbook illustrates the "history of Israel" from the beginnings until the Bar-Kochba insurgence 132-135 AD. The knowledge, which is indispensable for exegesis and theology studies, is passed on by the author as a matter of course and in light of current research. He uses all available sources for his illustrations: next to the bible, archaeological findings, inscriptions and artwork have been considered; it is shown by means of example how the sources are to be interpreted and where the boundaries of reconstructing history lie. For this purposes, he introduces the latest findings of archaeological and historic research and links the results to biblical interpretations in a critical manner. This produces an impression of the history of ancient Israel in the context of the Southern Levant, which is often familiar, but also fresh and unexpected.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Well-structured and easy to read the authors of this textbook present this introduction on level with the current academic debate. The writings are at the centre of the work. They are organised in four thematic blocks, preceded by general topics (questions on synopsis, pseudepigrapha). Every writing is analyzed following its structure, its genesis (time, place, author, sources, and hypothesis of separation) and its specific discussion (cultural milieu, situation, content).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Martin Ebner,
Christian Frevel,
Marlis Gielen,
Gerd Häfner,
Martin Karrer,
Matthias Konradt,
Joachim Kügler,
Gisela Muschiol,
Dietrich Rusam,
Dorothea Sattler,
Thomas Schmeller,
Stefan Schreiber,
Michael Theobald,
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
> findR *
Well-structured and easy to read the authors of this textbook present this introduction on level with the current academic debate. The writings are at the centre of the work. They are organised in four thematic blocks, preceded by general topics (questions on synopsis, pseudepigrapha). Every writing is analyzed following its structure, its genesis (time, place, author, sources, and hypothesis of separation) and its specific discussion (cultural milieu, situation, content).
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Martin Ebner,
Christian Frevel,
Marlis Gielen,
Gerd Häfner,
Martin Karrer,
Matthias Konradt,
Joachim Kügler,
Gisela Muschiol,
Dietrich Rusam,
Dorothea Sattler,
Thomas Schmeller,
Stefan Schreiber,
Michael Theobald,
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
> findR *
This handbook provides comprehensive information about all the important topics in religious education: from the positioning of religious teaching in schools, models and protagonists in religious education, and typical forms of religious learning through to the specific planning and implementation of religious lessons. The essays included also address completely new topics such as inclusive education and virtual learning. They provide answers to basic questions in religious education theory and at the same time offer practical guidance & always taking into account the latest state of the art in Protestant and Catholic religious teaching. An indispensable companion for study courses and exam preparation, as well as for practical work in schools!
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Katrin Bederna,
Reinhold Boschki,
Norbert Brieden,
Rita Burrichter,
Yauheniya Danilovich,
Christian Frevel,
Claudia Gärtner,
Matthias Gronover,
Bernhard Grümme,
Johannes Heger,
Dominik Helbling,
Elisabeth Hennecke,
Monika Jakobs,
Angela Kaupp,
Eva-Maria Kenngott,
Thorsten Knauth,
Judith Könemann,
Klaus König,
Mark Krasnov,
Ulrich Kropac,
Annegret Langenhorst,
Georg Langenhorst,
Andrea Lehner-Hartmann,
Eva-Maria Leven,
Konstantin Lindner,
Hans Mendl,
Gisela Muschiol,
Elisabeth Naurath,
Jens Palkowitsch-Kühl,
Sabine Pemsel-Maier,
Viera Pirker,
Manfred L. Pirner,
Burkard Porzelt,
Annegret Reese-Schnitker,
Oliver Reis,
Ulrich Riegel,
Manfred Riegger,
Hanna Roose,
Martin Rothgangel,
Clauß Peter Sajak,
Dorothea Sattler,
Mirjam Schambeck,
Thomas Schlag,
Bernd Schroeder,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Henrik Simojoki,
Barbara Strumann,
Joachim Theis,
Fahimah Ulfat,
Alexander Unser,
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann,
Wolfgang Weirer,
Michael Winklmann,
Jan Woppowa,
Mirjam Zimmermann
> findR *
This handbook provides comprehensive information about all the important topics in religious education: from the positioning of religious teaching in schools, models and protagonists in religious education, and typical forms of religious learning through to the specific planning and implementation of religious lessons. The essays included also address completely new topics such as inclusive education and virtual learning. They provide answers to basic questions in religious education theory and at the same time offer practical guidance & always taking into account the latest state of the art in Protestant and Catholic religious teaching. An indispensable companion for study courses and exam preparation, as well as for practical work in schools!
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Katrin Bederna,
Reinhold Boschki,
Norbert Brieden,
Rita Burrichter,
Yauheniya Danilovich,
Christian Frevel,
Claudia Gärtner,
Matthias Gronover,
Bernhard Grümme,
Johannes Heger,
Dominik Helbling,
Elisabeth Hennecke,
Monika Jakobs,
Angela Kaupp,
Eva-Maria Kenngott,
Thorsten Knauth,
Judith Könemann,
Klaus König,
Mark Krasnov,
Ulrich Kropac,
Annegret Langenhorst,
Georg Langenhorst,
Andrea Lehner-Hartmann,
Eva-Maria Leven,
Konstantin Lindner,
Hans Mendl,
Gisela Muschiol,
Elisabeth Naurath,
Jens Palkowitsch-Kühl,
Sabine Pemsel-Maier,
Viera Pirker,
Manfred L. Pirner,
Burkard Porzelt,
Annegret Reese-Schnitker,
Oliver Reis,
Ulrich Riegel,
Manfred Riegger,
Hanna Roose,
Martin Rothgangel,
Clauß Peter Sajak,
Dorothea Sattler,
Mirjam Schambeck,
Thomas Schlag,
Bernd Schroeder,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Henrik Simojoki,
Barbara Strumann,
Joachim Theis,
Fahimah Ulfat,
Alexander Unser,
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann,
Wolfgang Weirer,
Michael Winklmann,
Jan Woppowa,
Mirjam Zimmermann
> findR *
The division of Jews and Christians was a long and by no means mono-linear process which took place at different locations and at different speeds and was not consciously promoted by either party. How closely early Christianity was associated with Judaism, why there was a eventually a parting of ways and why Christians continue to refer to their Jewish roots can only be understood in the context of the merging of political, sociological, economic and religious patterns. In this synopsis of texts, archaeological finds, sociological background and theological debate Tiwald paints a picture of early Judaism, which was to become the matrix for later Christianity.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The division of Jews and Christians was a long and by no means mono-linear process which took place at different locations and at different speeds and was not consciously promoted by either party. How closely early Christianity was associated with Judaism, why there was a eventually a parting of ways and why Christians continue to refer to their Jewish roots can only be understood in the context of the merging of political, sociological, economic and religious patterns. In this synopsis of texts, archaeological finds, sociological background and theological debate Tiwald paints a picture of early Judaism, which was to become the matrix for later Christianity.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
The division of Jews and Christians was a long and by no means mono-linear process which took place at different locations and at different speeds and was not consciously promoted by either party. How closely early Christianity was associated with Judaism, why there was a eventually a parting of ways and why Christians continue to refer to their Jewish roots can only be understood in the context of the merging of political, sociological, economic and religious patterns. In this synopsis of texts, archaeological finds, sociological background and theological debate Tiwald paints a picture of early Judaism, which was to become the matrix for later Christianity.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Daniela Blum,
Monika Bobbert,
Sabine Demel,
Cornelia Dockter,
Margit Eckholt,
Juliane Eckstein,
Hille Haker,
Marianne Heimbach-Steins,
Birgit Jeggle-Merz,
Angela Kaupp,
Judith Könemann,
Judith König,
Ute Leimgruber,
Lea Lerch,
Anja Middelbeck-Varwick,
Sigrid Müller,
Gisela Muschiol,
Uta Poplutz,
Sarah Rosenhauer,
Jessica Scheiper,
Barbara Schmitz,
Teresa Schweighofer,
Saskia Wendel,
Gunda Werner
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
Daniela Blum,
Monika Bobbert,
Sabine Demel,
Cornelia Dockter,
Margit Eckholt,
Juliane Eckstein,
Hille Haker,
Marianne Heimbach-Steins,
Birgit Jeggle-Merz,
Angela Kaupp,
Judith Könemann,
Judith König,
Ute Leimgruber,
Lea Lerch,
Anja Middelbeck-Varwick,
Sigrid Müller,
Gisela Muschiol,
Uta Poplutz,
Sarah Rosenhauer,
Jessica Scheiper,
Barbara Schmitz,
Teresa Schweighofer,
Saskia Wendel,
Gunda Werner
> findR *
The closest connection between Jews and Christians probably lies in the fact that they share a common scriptural basis. All of the books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanach) are included in the ?Old Testament= of the Christian Bible. However, the history of Judaism and Christianity shows that the same books are understood and interpreted quite differently in each of the separate contexts. The new edition of this book emphasizes common ground and differences in understanding and interpretation and takes up the intensive hermeneutic debate that has been taking place over the last 20 years. This includes new findings on interrelationships between Judaism and Christianity in the first few centuries after Christ, as well as advances in Christian&Jewish dialogue. Special attention is given to the reorientation of the relationship with Judaism based on the Second Vatican Council, which led to a new understanding of the Old Testament in Catholic theology.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-30
> findR *
Die These der „Feminisierung der Religion“ im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, entstanden in den 1970er Jahren in den USA und seit den 1980er Jahren im deutschen Sprachraum rezipiert, hat eine rege Forschungsdiskussion ausgelöst. Als Reaktion auf die „Feminisierungsprozesse“ soll es zu Remaskulinisierungsvorgängen besonders in den christlichen Konfessionen, vor allem ab dem beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert, gekommen sein. Ein internationales und interreligiöses ausgerichtetes Forschungskolloquium an der Universität Graz, an dem renommierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen aus Europa und Amerika teilgenommen haben, hat sich mit den aktuellen Forschungsdiskussionen um die „Feminisierung“ und „Maskulinisierung der Religion“ auseinandergesetzt. Der vorliegende Band vereint detailreiche Studien von Autorinnen und Autoren, verschiedene Länder, christliche Konfessionen, Judentum und Islam betreffend.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Ulrike Bechmann,
Angela A. Berlis,
Stephanie Glück,
Nina Kronschieder,
Gisela Muschiol,
Pamela S. Nadell,
Tine Van Osselaer,
Viola Raheb,
Rajah Scheepers,
Bernhard Schneider,
Michaela Sohn-Kronthaler,
Yvonne Maria Werner
> findR *
Die These der „Feminisierung der Religion“ im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, entstanden in den 1970er Jahren in den USA und seit den 1980er Jahren im deutschen Sprachraum rezipiert, hat eine rege Forschungsdiskussion ausgelöst. Als Reaktion auf die „Feminisierungsprozesse“ soll es zu Remaskulinisierungsvorgängen besonders in den christlichen Konfessionen, vor allem ab dem beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert, gekommen sein. Ein internationales und interreligiöses ausgerichtetes Forschungskolloquium an der Universität Graz, an dem renommierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen aus Europa und Amerika teilgenommen haben, hat sich mit den aktuellen Forschungsdiskussionen um die „Feminisierung“ und „Maskulinisierung der Religion“ auseinandergesetzt. Der vorliegende Band vereint detailreiche Studien von Autorinnen und Autoren, verschiedene Länder, christliche Konfessionen, Judentum und Islam betreffend.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Ulrike Bechmann,
Angela A. Berlis,
Stephanie Glück,
Nina Kronschieder,
Gisela Muschiol,
Pamela S. Nadell,
Tine Van Osselaer,
Viola Raheb,
Rajah Scheepers,
Bernhard Schneider,
Michaela Sohn-Kronthaler,
Yvonne Maria Werner
> findR *
Die These der „Feminisierung der Religion“ im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, entstanden in den 1970er Jahren in den USA und seit den 1980er Jahren im deutschen Sprachraum rezipiert, hat eine rege Forschungsdiskussion ausgelöst. Als Reaktion auf die „Feminisierungsprozesse“ soll es zu Remaskulinisierungsvorgängen besonders in den christlichen Konfessionen, vor allem ab dem beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert, gekommen sein. Ein internationales und interreligiöses ausgerichtetes Forschungskolloquium an der Universität Graz, an dem renommierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen aus Europa und Amerika teilgenommen haben, hat sich mit den aktuellen Forschungsdiskussionen um die „Feminisierung“ und „Maskulinisierung der Religion“ auseinandergesetzt. Der vorliegende Band vereint detailreiche Studien von Autorinnen und Autoren, verschiedene Länder, christliche Konfessionen, Judentum und Islam betreffend.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Ulrike Bechmann,
Angela A. Berlis,
Stephanie Glück,
Nina Kronschieder,
Gisela Muschiol,
Pamela S. Nadell,
Tine Van Osselaer,
Viola Raheb,
Rajah Scheepers,
Bernhard Schneider,
Michaela Sohn-Kronthaler,
Yvonne Maria Werner
> findR *
Der Tod widerfährt uns in unserer Leiblichkeit, die aber trägt eine geschlechtliche Signatur.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Angela Berlis,
Cristina Betz,
Corina Caduff,
Magdalene L Frettlöh,
Katharina Heyden,
Simon Hofstetter,
Martin Hoondert,
Anna-Katharina Höpflinger,
Stefanie Lorenzen,
Moisés Mayordomo,
Erika Möser,
Gisela Muschiol,
Isabelle Noth,
David Plüss,
Valérie Rhein,
Silvia Schroer,
Heike Springhart,
Angela Standhartinger,
Lukas Stuck,
Marie-Theres Wacker,
Ulrike Wagner-Rau,
Claudia Welz,
Melanie Werren,
Mathias Wirth,
Beatrice Wyss
> findR *
Der Tod widerfährt uns in unserer Leiblichkeit, die aber trägt eine geschlechtliche Signatur.
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Angela Berlis,
Cristina Betz,
Corina Caduff,
Magdalene L Frettlöh,
Katharina Heyden,
Simon Hofstetter,
Martin Hoondert,
Anna-Katharina Höpflinger,
Stefanie Lorenzen,
Moisés Mayordomo,
Erika Möser,
Gisela Muschiol,
Isabelle Noth,
David Plüss,
Valérie Rhein,
Silvia Schroer,
Heike Springhart,
Angela Standhartinger,
Lukas Stuck,
Marie-Theres Wacker,
Ulrike Wagner-Rau,
Claudia Welz,
Melanie Werren,
Mathias Wirth,
Beatrice Wyss
> findR *
Die 200-jährige Geschichte der Bonner Fakultäten und universitären Einrichtungen
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-28
Uwe Baumann,
Thomas Becker,
Till Düppe,
Eberhard Hausschildt,
Regina Illemann,
Ute Mennecke,
Gisela Muschiol,
Cornelia Richter,
Philip Rosin,
Udo Rüterswörden,
Mathias Schmoeckel,
Jennifer Wenner,
Claudia Wich-Reif
> findR *
Aktualisiert: 2023-06-19
Daniela Blum,
Monika Bobbert,
Sabine Demel,
Cornelia Dockter,
Margit Eckholt,
Juliane Eckstein,
Hille Haker,
Marianne Heimbach-Steins,
Birgit Jeggle-Merz,
Angela Kaupp,
Judith Könemann,
Judith König,
Ute Leimgruber,
Lea Lerch,
Anja Middelbeck-Varwick,
Sigrid Müller,
Gisela Muschiol,
Uta Poplutz,
Sarah Rosenhauer,
Jessica Scheiper,
Barbara Schmitz,
Teresa Schweighofer,
Saskia Wendel,
Gunda Werner
> findR *
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- Muschke, Karo
- Muschkeit, Thorsten
- Muschkiet, Markus
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